Last August our friend Jon Henshaw, Co-Founder of Raven Internet Marketing Tools, noticed AIMCLEAR post Facebook status updates and tweets from Australia. Jon’s a lovely guy and Raven reflects his magnanimous personality. While I was still in Australia, the staff told me there was a largish package waiting for me. I asked them to open it.
Wow, our friend Jon sent us the Sydney Opera House™ (set 10234). The staff, being AIMCLEAR, wanted to rip the box open right then and there! I asked them to please hold off even opening the box until we could set up a bulletproof time lapse rig to capture the process in its entirety. Alyssa Friesen and Dan Lindquist went work and built a fantastic motion-detected camera setup, lighting, etc. Seriously, this thing was practically bolted down. Dan Lindquist did the frame rate testing, produced the music and took the sweet picture below. BTW, watch for a special cameo appearance from our little friend Joey. Noel, Peace On Earth and good health to you and those beloved.