Performance Marketing

Performance marketing means the absolute relationship between digital marketing investments and pure business outcomes.

AIMCLEAR marketers helped define modern performance marketing over two decades. Running transformative programs for brands, iconic to upstart, we know what it takes to be great.

Your brand demands KPI conversions, period. We deliver ROI-forward results to justify your precious investments.

Strategy & KPIs

We’ll collaborate to establish and clarify meaningful KPIs and blueprint impactful strategies to inform channel tactics

Audience Targeting

From keywords and psychographics to precise retargeting/remarketing throughout the conversion journey, performance targeting reaches the right audiences to crush results.

Channel Strategy

Rapidly evolving costs, effectiveness, trackability, and fickle audience behaviors loom large in channel selection. We keep your brand ahead of the noise to be in the right places at the right times.

Conversion-rate optimization

Many landing pages are all dressed up with nowhere to go. AIMCLEAR executes CRO to get more website visitors to take desired actions.

Monitoring and reporting

We provide clients with sophisticated, easily digestible business intelligence dashboards to measure integrated performance marketing campaigns.

Award Winning Marketing

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