AIMCLEAR & Clix Marketing SMX Schmooze Party!

David Szetala (Clix Marketing) and I invite you to the semi-regular AIMCLEAR/Clix SchmoozeFest, an intimate gathering next week during SMX East in New York City.

The timing is perfect (TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7TH 5 P.M. UNTIL 7:30 PM) as we’ll hang right across the street and immediately before the spectacular (and significantly higher-budget) 🙂 Search Bash.

This laid back mingle session designed to help us all unwind after the second intensive day at SMX East. Come and share some beer, some wine, finger foods, witty repartee and tall tales.

Space is limited, so please ask me in person for an invitation, email or come pick one up at the Clix Marketing booth, #309, on Monday or Tuesday. Tell em’ you’re guests of AIMCLEAR.

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