Missed AIMCLEAR‘s Social PPC & Psychographic Display workshop at Engage? Not to worry. There’s plenty of other chances to catch us around the country and even across the pond this year. Take a peek at our 2017 workshop schedule below, and join us for one (or more!) of our mind-expanding marketing masterclasses.
#BankSocial ” April 6, Miami, Fla.
Party (and learn!) in the city where the heat is on. AIMCLEAR is headed to Miami for #BankSocial, where we’ll present a post-conference EXLab (expertise lab), Banks & Financial Services Psychographic Targeting Data Intensive. Join us for a comprehensive overview of banking-related psychographic targeting in mainstream social channels. From financial qualifiers and investment affinities to interest and intent data, find out what’s available and how to layer and utilize the data for content distribution, lead gen and more. For the inside scoop on the conference, check out our interview with #BankSocial founder John Siracusa.
The deets:
- Thursday, April 6, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.
- Speakers: Marty Weintraub and Merry Morud
Zenith Digital Marketing Conference ” April 28, Duluth, Minn.
After Miami, we’re bringin’ it on home to DLH for a full-day intensive at the Zenith Digital Marketing Conference. Stay an extra day for Integrated Marketing! Search and Social Psychographic Targeting, Retargeting & Conversion Mashups. If your search, social and display efforts are disjointed, this workshop is for you. You’ll learn how to (actually) integrate awesome top-of-funnel psychographic, search and retargeted traffic for conversion, influencer targeting, content marketing, SEO, socialization and more. If you’ve got a bit of digital experience and a hankering to know more, don’t miss this one.
The deets:
- Friday, April 28, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Speakers: Manny Rivas, Merry Morud and Megan Taggart
Ungagged London ” June 14, London, Eng.
Next up, we take the slow boat fast plane to foggy Londontown for Ungagged London, where we’ll present the same workshop as Zenith. Join us for Integrated Marketing! Search and Social Psychographic Targeting, Retargeting & Conversion Mashups with a European flair.
The deets:
- Wednesday, June 14, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Speakers: Marty Weintraub, Merry Morud and Megan Taggart
MnSearch Summit ” June 22, St. Paul, Minn.
Hey, Twin Cities marketers! We’re bringing our Integrated Marketing! Search and Social Psychographic Targeting, Retargeting & Conversion Mashups intensive to you the day before MnSearch Summit. Kick this already-awesome event up a notch by spending a full day with Marty, one of the Summit’s keynote speakers.
The deets:
- Thursday, June 22, time TBA
- Speakers: Marty Weintraub
- Conference information and registration
Swivel ” October 10, Bend, Ore.
This fall, it’s back to the West Coast for Swivel Digital Marketing Conference. We’re still working out the content for this 3-hour deep dive workshop, but one thing’s for sure: it’ll be worth your time.
The deets:
- Tuesday, October 10, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
- Speakers: Marty Weintraub and Merry Morud
Nothing jiving with your sched? Check back occasionally as we’ll update with additional details and add more workshops as they’re confirmed. Tweet or contact us with questions about these events or to inquire about private training.
Image credit: Tonktiti/Shutterstock.com