AIMCLEAR On Wing to SEMpdx Searchfest

SEMpdx-searchfest20 minutes in the office this morning, a stop at the attorney to sign and notarize legal documents, an hour @ Sprint testing the new Blackberry World Phone, a short hop from Duluth, 3 hours of work in the Minneapolis airport NWA lounge, and finally we get to enjoy a relaxing upgraded-up-to-first-class flight to Portland OR.

Willamette wine country beckons with the allure of brilliant 90+ point Pinots and superb Nouveau French cooking. On Monday I’ll have the distinct pleasure of speaking @ SEMpdx Searchfest in Portland.

[Side note] I wonder if Portland, Maine even wonders why there’s no organic result on the Google SERPs for “Portland” until #8? He He, Portland, Maine could use a good search marketing agency.

Minnesota Search Marketing Agency on the Move
Our Duluth office has been a WHIRLWIND of quickly moving corporate growth. For those of you who’ve written to ask why AIMCLEAR Blog has slowed the pace of posts down just a little, I’ve been super busy with clients and also writing for SearchEngineWatch Blog, a publication founded by those I consider mentors.

SEW Executive Editor Kevin Heisler has been very sweet in respecting demand for my time from our valued clients while showing me the ropes. Over the last 18 months AIMCLEAR has gotten to know so many wonderful pros in the Sphinn/SearchEngineLand/SEORoundTable family. We’re fortunate to have amazing clients now all over the country.

Speaking @ SEMpdx SeartchFest March 19th
After I was invited to speak, SEMpdx ran a contest to see who will present with me (He He). I’ll offer discussion of the “dark side” of reputation management and share the “Stumble Troll Story.” This case-study is credited amongst some as having helped move eBay (owners of SU) to “let the folks at SU know” that rampant violations of TOS should be cleaned up.

How funny is it StumbleUpon’s new improved review flagging system that had been “on the drawing board for months” got rolled out right ’round then- LOL? Anyway, the Searchfest session is on March 10th. I’ll also have the pleasure of sitting on a usability/recommendations “hot seat” site-clinic panel with Rand Fishkin and Stoney deGeyter.

SES NYC 2008
This show tops the list for many and historically it’s one of my favorites. Though previously scheduled meetings prevent me personally from covering Search Engine Strategies New York 2008, I will be there speaking March 19th, regarding social search. It’ll be an honor to sit aside Steven Marder, social search pioneer and founder of Eurekster.

AIMCLEAR will also have 3 well known bloggers covering SES New York, the details of which we’ll officially announce next week. If you’re planning on attending the IM-NY Charity Party on the evening of March 18th, I’ll be there late provided my flight is on time. Please come up, introduce yourself, and say “hello.”

We’ll, we’re about to land in Portland and sure do appreciate the difference between the -10 degree weather we left in Minneapolis and the 45 degree Portland evening. Things are really heating up in our agency and it’s going to get even busier. AIMCLEAR also plans on covering SMX Social, SMX Local/Mobile, SES San Jose, SMX Advanced, SES Chicago, Pubcon, and SMX East this year.

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