AIMCLEAR Roadtrippin’: #SearchEx to #MozCon, More Fun Than 182 Puppies?!

Cute puppies


Flying all over the country this week, AIMCLEAR CEO Marty Weintraub will be speaking at a few conferences near and dear to our calendar’s heart. First stop: Down south to Charlotte, NC on Tuesday for Search Exchange and a lesson on psychographic targeting, and then to Seattle on Thursday to rattle the MozCon crowd with a deep-dive into persona modeling. Get ready for a smashing time if you’re attending these conferences, or even watching the tweet-feeds from the comfort of your own home!

#SearchEx – Tuesday, July 24 – Charlotte, NC

#SearchEx 2012Right after lunch at the Charlotte Chamber, Marty will be giving a keynote address to the Search Exchange Internet Marketing Conference attendees about how psychographic modeling can be used for a variety of functions. Don’t know much about psychographic modeling, or know a little bit, but wish you knew more? Saddle up and learn some emerging strategies for targeting users across search and social! Marty will lead you deep into the heart of understanding how to identify which channels are important to your marketing efforts, share with you some awesome tips on how to target customers with multi-channel PPC in both search and contextual, and delve into some of the ways to create vertical listening programs that find conversations for community managers to participate in, with a deep understanding of how communities are psychographically segmented.

Did that whet your appetite yet? Persona modeling is the wave of the future and if you don’t want to be left behind, we suggest you jump on the bandwagon pronto!

#mozCon – Thursday, July 26 – Seattle, WA

mozCon conference Later this week, marketers will travel from across the country to share in the mozCon fun. Marty’s session, Persona Modeling Unhinged: The Zen of ‘Whole’ Customer, will journey into some awesome social PPC targeting tactics that make up complete persona modeling theories. Not only that, attendees will learn how to identify market segments across the channels that coincide with KPIs.

We look forward to seeing you at these events and more to come as the summer scorches on. More AIMCLEARians will be headed to SES San Francisco coming up in the beginning of August, so be sure to check back here for more updates, session coverage and general goodness! Safe travels to all headed to #SearchEx and #mozCon!

Playful puppies © Barbara Helgason – fotolia

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