Well folks, springtime is just around the corner (except, perhaps here in Duluth…) and what better way to celebrate than with an über-busy schedule chock-full of industry conferences? Search me!
No. Literally. Let’s take a peek at our AIMCLEAR agenda for the months of March and April, shall we?
Search Marketing Expo – SMX West, March 2-4, 2010
In March, our very own Matt Peterson will be jetting off to Santa Clara to attend SMX West. He’ll be covering a variety of sessions from the search industry conference organized and hosted annually in California by Search Engine Land’s Editor-in-Chief Danny Sullivan and Executive Editor, Chris Sherman.
Speaking at SMX West will be esteemed individuals including Tim Ash, Greg Boser, Jessica Bowman, Christine Churchill, Bruce Clah, Matt Cutts, Eric Enge, Jennifer Laycock, Aaron Wall and Chris Winfield, just to name a few…
SEMpdx – SearchFest, March 9, 2010
SearchFest 10, an industry event on the rise, will take place this year in Portland Oregon. As always, SEMpdx will pack a healthy variety of SEM learning tracks, panel discussions and interactive workshops that tackle new search marketing strategies and other technological advancements.
Our own Marty Weintraub will speak alongside respected thought leaders. Speaking alumnus include Danny Sullivan, David Wallace, Joanna Lord, John Andrews, Jordan Kasteler, Matt McGee, Rand Fishkin, Rebecca Kelley, Stoney DeGeyter, Todd Mintz, and Vanessa Fox among many others. Don’t miss SEMpdx.
South by Southwest – SXSW, March 12-21, 2010
Matt, our boy on the move, will be heading south down to Austin, Texas for the South by Southwest (SXSW) conferences and festivals spanning a variety of music, independent films, and advancements in technologies. Matt will be covering SXSW Interactive, five fun-filled days of presentations showcasing new websites, video games and startup ideas. Delivering the presentations will be the true technical innovators themselves- over 350 of them…
Search Engine Strategies – SES NY, March 22-26, 2010
At the end of March, Marty, Manny, Merry and Lauren (a quorum!) will head to New York to attend Search Engine Strategies hosted by Incisive Interactive Marketing. Marty speaks on the Advanced Keyword Research session on the final day of the conference along with Christine Churchill, Marcus Tandler, and Yigal Elnekave.
Our crew will be posting blog coverage of a wide range of sessions and soaking up the all-around awesome insight from industry leaders including Gini Dietrich, Liana Evans, Mark Drummond, Rae Hoffman, Cindy Krum, Rebecca Lieb, Melissa Mackey, Lee ODden, BRent Payne, David Szetela, and Hollis Thomases.
140 Character Conference – 140conf NY, April 20-21, 2010
In April, Lauren (yup, that’s me) returns to her NYC stomping grounds to speak at the 140 Character Conference, a relatively young Twitter-focused event hosted by Technology Anthropologist and Entrepreneur Jeff Pulver.
The “140conf” focuses on very short, intense presentations and panels (5-15 minutes long) so when she isn’t contributing to the “Growing Up with the Real Time Internet” panel (or rubbing elbows with Ann Curry, Gary Vaynerchuk, Ivanka Trump, C.C. Chapman, Matt Pinfield, MC Hammer, and Michael Ian Black to name a handful of her fellow speakers), she’ll be tweeting highlights from the conference and posting full write-ups and reflections when she gets back to the AIMCLEAR office.
Search Marketing Expo – SMX Sydney, April 22-23, 2010
We’re all excited that Marty is going down unda’ to speak at SMX Sydney to speak about Facebook Paid Marketing. SMX Sydney is considered by many to be “Australia’s #1 Search Marketing Event is the ‘must-attend’ Search Engine Marketing and Social Media event of the year” There will be more than a dozen speakers from the US & Canada, the biggest contingent yet. Watch for special announcements. This edition also represents the first time ever the SMX Sydney organizers have hacked out all of the Basic sessions, leaving room enough for three dozen new Intermediate to Advanced level training sessions.
We hope to see you at one, if not all of these events 🙂 And if you can’t make it, be sure to check back in AIMCLEAR blog for conference coverage,