Announcing AIMCLEAR #SMX West 2012 Speaking & Blogging Schedule

Time warp! SMX West is next week already, and we can barely control our excitement for this year’s conference in sunny San Jose. With a busy schedule planned, AIMCLEAR will be speaking, attending, blogging, live-tweeting, mingling, and taking every precaution to make sure we share as much coverage as possible from the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. From Monday, February 27 through Thursday, March 1, we’ll be digging for search marketing gold while AIMCLEAR‘s own Marty Weintraub, Merry Morud, and Manny Rivas take the stage to share thought-leadership goodness. Read on to get a closer look at their schedules and to find out which sessions we plan on attending!

AIMCLEAR Facebook Workshop

We’re at it again with a full day of everything-you-need-to-know about Facebook advertising with our Facebook Intensive Workshop on Monday, February 27. Our jam-packed itinerary will cover everything from community management to reputation monitoring to the step-by-step Facebook ad process and organic friending methods – you’ll leave the workshop feeling armed and prepared to take on the monstrosity we have all grown to love that is Facebook. Does this sound like something you’d like to be a part of? Check out the full session descriptions or register for your chance to get in on the action.

Speaking Agenda


Creative Facebook Ads Tactics (#smx #25A)
Day 2 – Wednesday, February 29- 5 PM PST


What a magical way to spend a once-in-four-years opportunity! Google AdWords and Microsoft’s adCenter, move aside. Facebook is where it’s at. Take a journey with Marty into Facebook’s self-serve image and text-based ads that give you the flexibility to advertise your web page or Facebook assets. Marty will be joined by moderators Greg Finn and Noran El-Shinnaway along with fellow speakers Addie Conner, Matt Lawson, and Will Scott. Hot content from social actions, targeting, and real time reporting paired with an expert line-up makes for a must-attend SMX session.

Justifying the Investment: Analytics for Social Media (#smx #31B)
Day 3 – Thursday, March 1 – 9-10:15 AM PST


Follow along with Merry for proven methods of demonstrating ROI across the social media channels, especially Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Taking the plunge into the latest social media analytics methods and the best practices in creating and documenting social media (KPIs), this powerhousepanel includes speakers Tami Dalley, Monique Pouget, and Courtney Seiter. Last but not least, learn to quantify conversions even when your methods of engaging don’t yield transactions.

YouTube Success Stories For Marketers (#smx #31C)
Day 3 – Thursday, March 1- 9-10:15 AM PST


Manny will get the audience pumped about YouTube– one of the largest search engines on the web. Aside from search-optimized videos, attendees will find out what they need to know in order to best leverage online videos to yield the best results for video campaigns.

Life In a [Not Provided] World (#smx #33B)
Day 3 – Thursday, March 1 – 1-2:15 PST


Marty once again will take the stage to show audience members what to do now that Google no longer provides all the organic search terms visitors used to get to their site. What’s a search marketer to do? Learn how to find out if your SEO efforts are working or not. Marty won’t be presenting alone – Max Thomas, Nathan Safran, Micah Fisher-Kirschner, Dixon Jones and AJ Kohn will all lend their experiences as well.

Now that you know where to find out team of AIMCLEAR speakers while at SMX West this year, check out which sessions we’ll be attending, live-tweeting via yours truly, @ericasendros, and to keep all of you who can’t make it this year in the loop. Be sure to check back right here in AIMCLEAR blog to see which ones made the final blog-coverage cut!

Coverage Agenda

Day 1

  • 9 AM: SMX Boot Camp: Keyword Research & Copywriting for Search Success
  • 10:45 AM: SMX Boot Camp: Link Building Fundamentals
  • 1:30 PM: Does Google Favor Brands? An In-Depth Look
  • 3:30 PM: Doing Check-ins & Offers Right

Day 2

  • 9 AM: Keynote with Susan Wojcicki, SVP Advertising, Google, Inc.
  • 10:45 AM: SEO for Google+ & Google Search
  • 1:30 PM: Building Buzz On Twitter: Getting Followed & Retweeted
  • 3:30 PM: Beyond the Google AdWords Tool: Advanced Keyword Research Tactics
  • 5 PM: How Siri, Search by Voice & Search by App Are Changing The Mobile Landscape

Day 3

  • 9 AM: Justifying the Investment: Analytics for Social Media
  • 10:45 AM: What Search Data Reveals about Customer Needs & Desires – And How to Use it

And that about does it for our #SMX West 2012 conference agenda! Don’t forget to register for AIMCLEAR‘s Facebook Intensive Workshop if you haven’t yet. Marty, Merry, and Matt Peterson will be sharing must-learn tips on Facebook advertising at our newly revamped and sure-to-thrill workshop along with longtime AIMCLEAR pal, Will Scott (@w2scott) before the conference kicks off.

When we’re not speaking, tweeting or blogging, we’ll be hanging around the expo hall and frequenting various networking events, so be sure to say hi! We love making new friends.

photo credit: ta-graphy

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