With testimonials like “the best conference I have ever attended,” it’s no wonder #BankSocial is making a name for itself among bank and credit union marketers. We recently caught up with conference founder John Siracusa for the lowdown on the unique event. But first, a little background.
Fusing social media and retail banking, #BankSocial is the only conference of its kind. It boasts content and case studies specific to banking, and addresses industry rules and regulations head on. Designed for all levels of expertise, #BankSocial teaches marketers how to dominate social media and deliver amazing customer experiences.
We’ll be there this year, dishing (pay)dirt in our post-conference EXLab (expertise lab), Banks & Financial Services Psychographic Targeting Data Intensive. Marty Weintraub and Merry Morud will provide a comprehensive overview of financial industry psychographic targeting data, channel by channel. A staggering array of targeting data objects are available in Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Google and DMPs:
- Intent Data
- Financial Qualifiers
- Investment Affinities
- Evolving Family & Relationship Status
- Activities & Interest Layers
Learn how to layer and utilize them for content distribution, engagement, demand generation, sales and more. Interested? Be sure to register for the optional workshop, Thursday, April 6, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Bonus: It’s another day in beautiful Miami!
Not familiar with #BankSocial? Not to worry. Conference founder John Siracusa has the answers to your questions (and ours)!
AIMCLEAR (AC): First, the basics. Tell us a bit about yourself, please. 
John Siracusa (JS): I believe in my soul that banks and credit unions can dominate in this hyper-connected world, regardless of the challenges they face. Human nature is simply, if you believe in your soul what you’re doing and you’re flexible enough to shift/change when things don’t go exactly to plan, then anything is possible. Self doubt and remorse holds us back. Whenever I do anything big, I put into it everything I’ve got, regardless of the challenge. Banks/credit unions should look at being relevant through human engagement on social media as well.
In 2014 right after speaking at an ABA conference, I had some major health issues and I had a newborn daughter. So while I was building the #BankSocial conference and my Bank On It podcast, I was relearning how to walk at the same time my newborn daughter was learning how to walk. Every day I woke up saying to myself, “suck it up” or “suck my thumb,” you can’t do both. I’m proud to say I no longer suck my thumb.
AC: That’s a terrific saying. Can we steal it? In any case, give us a rundown of this conference you built: What is it? How did it come to be? What are its goals?
JS: #BankSocial was built to help the banking and credit union industry learn how to dominate in social media/human connections by learning how to be and not just what to do. My goal is to bring together every top-thinking bank/credit union strategy team and provide them with top-notch resources like Hootsuite, Facebook, HubSpot, Salesforce and AIMCLEAR (to name a small sampling) so they can dominate. You can’t become great by reading about it on a blog or in Google search.
AC: Besides the obvious, what makes #BankSocial unique?
JS: Last year in Newark, New Jersey, we had hundreds of bank and credit union leaders from across the USA. The #BankSocial hashtag trended on Twitter during the conference. I don’t think there’s a banking conference in the world that has had that happen. We got almost 95 percent of the post-conference surveys returned and our conference app got over 24 interactions per person. This year we’re adding so many new experiences that are sure to trend as well. To sum it up, the attendees are highly engaged and they rock.
AC: That’s one heck of a response rate. Nicely done! What did you learn from the feedback and change for 2017?
JS: The post-conference surveys gave me deep perspective into the minds of our attendees. I also personally spoke to most of our attendees and took their advice and made many massive and minor tweaks. So this year the conference was improved based on our attendees and sponsors.
AC: Any sessions you’re particularly looking forward to this year?
JS: I built every session based off of a conference that can individually return the time and money investment of everyone attending and sponsoring. My answer would be all!
AC: And, just for fun: If you were to enter a talent show, what would your talent be?
JS: To build the best show with the best people. My wife also says I talk a lot which is why I created my podcast, so that as well.
Thanks so much to John for taking the time to answer our questions. Will we see you at #BankSocial? There’s still time to register, so sign up today!
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