Chris Boggs SES V-Interview: On Structured Data, Personalization & Client Communication

ChrisBoggsChris Boggs is the Director of Search Engine Optimization at Rosetta, an interactive design agency. He’s also the Associate Editor of the SearchEngineWatch forums, has served on the SEMPO Board of Directors since 2006 and is well respected amongst search thought leaders.

I had a chance to score a couple of moments of Chris’ time, at SES Chicago 2009, to discuss what was covered in the session he moderated, “Meaningful SEO Metrics: Going Beyond the Numbers.” He shared his perception of hot SES buzz this time around. Topics he notes included “structured data,” personalization and the one that has grown near and dear to him recently, client communication.

Chris speaks in terms of an “evolution” in client relationships, when it comes to enterprise-level SEO projects. At this altitude longevity of the relationship bodes well for getting changes implemented. Check out the interview in detail below.

Photo Credit Flickr/toponlinemarketing

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