Dear Google Fiber, Why We Covet Duluth-Part 1

Google is planning to test ultra-high speed broadband networks and is considering Duluth as a trial location, among others across the country.

Google Fiber, so you’re considering a move to Duluth…? Join the club. In 1982 I first came to visit. Then after a decade-long love affair with the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) to the North, I finally made it here in 95′ and never left. Our office to this day is in famed Canal Park. Many of us here have similar stories of falling in love with Duluth and moving here.

Google, over the coming days, we’ll be sharing aspects of our community and why AIMCLEAR, an internationally known search marketing agency & many other tech companies, thrive here. 57% of AIMCLEAR‘s employees were either born in the Duluth/Superior area and/or are a product of University of Minnesota, Duluth or University if Wisconsin, Superior. Today’s Part 1 shares some background, pictures from our friend Dennis O’Hara & a free music download of one of my songs-deeply inspired by Lake Superior.

I was but in my early 20’s when I first discovered this unique region. So much about Duluth, Minnesota was utterly compelling to me. Having grown up in Boston, summered on Nantucket, frequented trails in the Presidential Range of New Hampshire’s White Mountains, Duluth was like coming home without having ever been. Dude, I could not believe it was Minnesota!

A Vast Inland Sea
Lake Superior is AWESOME. I was no stranger to the sea’s spectacular grandeur or intense weather for that matter.

Not to worry… the Souls are hardy here, born of Northern European Immigrants. The ore that powered America’s industrial revolution was sent by train from the great Mesabi Range, loaded onto boats in Duluth Harbor and sent to Detroit. Now, taconite pellets have been replaced by high tech and tourism.

Duluth is a perfectly placed digital port of call.

Duluth is a world-class pristine wilderness port-city gateway. For generations ships of many shapes, sizes and purposes crossed under our great areal lift bridge. From the Saint Lawrence Seaway Greek, Turkish, Italian and vessels from the farthest waters make their way here. Google Fiber, it’s awesome here in Duluth.

Now Here’s the Song
Portage to Heaven | Seafarer’s Way .mp3
I recorded this song with some friends in my living room-of-the-day, in a house dug out of the dunes on Park Point, the largest freshwater sandbar in the world. Lake Superior was placid, as the sun set across the rolling dunes on Lake Superior. Anchored ships on the horizon kissed the sun’s final reflections goodnight.

I was thinking about the mystical nature of Duluth, this gateway to the Boundary Waters & canoeing “up north” with my sweet daughters. It was late summer 1998. We hope you enjoy my song, Portage to Heaven.

Picture Boundary Waters

Duluth Pictures: Dennis O’hara, Copyright, used by permission.

Canoe Picture: Sylvie Weintraub

Music: “Portage to Heaven,” Marty Weintraub

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