#Zenith2016 Digital Marketing Conference

April 28, 2016
Duluth, MN

Zenith, Zenith, Zenith! Thursday, April 28th… It’s just around the corner.

From content and creative to search and social ” and back around to public relations, this year’s conference is expanding to all-things-digital marketing. MobileMoxie CEO Cindy Krum will deliver the morning keynote, “Digital Marketing & The Age of Artificial Intelligence, Learning Algorithms & APIs.” Fanatics, Inc. VP of Growth & SEO Dennis Goedegebuure will wrap up the conference with the afternoon keynote, “The Content Brand Pyramid.” In addition to these marketing mavericks, attendees will learn from some of the brightest minds in the global industry, including 11 of AIMCLEAR‘s very own!

Here’s a list of AIMCLEARian sessions:

9:45 to 10:30 a.m.

AIMCLEAR Founder Marty Weintraub will dish out the LinkedIn Secrets in his session, “Building a Dominant Profile, 2016 Edition” at Greysolon Plaza in the Moorish Room.

10:45 to 11:30 a.m.

AIMCLEAR Account Manager Chris Davis will share the stage in the Moorish Room with 3Q Director of Display Advertising Sara Pfitzinger for the session, “Programmatic Media! What The Heck Does That Mean Anyways?”

Across the street in Zeitgeist’s Teatro Zuccone Theater, AIMCLEAR Social Account Managers Gretchen Gautreaux and Rachel Malone-Olson will pair up for the presentation, “Top 10 Ghost-Blasting Advanced Facebook Ad Strategies.”

11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

AIMCLEAR‘s Senior Creative Strategist Merry Morud and Account Manager Chris Davis are joining forces for “Psychographic Targeting Hot House!” (For an idea of what to expect, check out the AIMCLEAR Hot House series.) You’ll be able to find them in Zeitgeists’s Zinema Screen 1.

Down the hall in the Teatro Zuccone Theater, AIMCLEAR SEM Account Manager Megan Taggart will share the stage with Clix Marketing Managing Partner John Lee for the session, “Creatively Scaling Campaigns: Multi-Channel Integration and Leveraging Sales Funnel Attribution.”

1:45 to 2:30 p.m.

AIMCLEAR‘s Senior PR Director Joe Thornton is partnering with Illumai Digital Marketing Strategist Michelle Stinson Ross for the session, “PR/Digital Marketing Crossover, Oh My!”, which will be held in the Moorish Room.

Across the street in the Zinema Screen 1 room, AIMCLEAR Social Account Manager Rachel Malone-Olson will speak alongside Avalaunch Media Founder & President Matt Siltala for the session, “Video & Picture Perfect Marketing Flip Book!”

AIMCLEAR Ad Operations Specialist Lea Scudamore will join Stone Temple Consulting Senior Director of Online Marketing Mark Traphagen for the session, “Tactical B2B Digital Marketing Playbook.”

AIMCLEAR CTO Joe Warner will speak alongside Overit Senior Strategist Jennifer Van Iderstyne for, “How to Perform a DIY Site Audit You Are The Ultimate Tool.”

2:45 to 3:30 p.m.

AIMCLEAR VP of Account Management Imelda Khoo will join Flint Communications Director of Digital Engagement & Strategy Jessie Johnson for the session, “All Together Now! How To Build A Truly Integrated Marketing Plan” in the Moorish Room.

AIMCLEAR Graphic Artist Alexis LeBlanc and Senior Creative Strategist Merry Morud are teaming up to blow your mind with “Image Intensive! From DIY Marketer to Pro Designer Tactics,” which will be held in Zeitgeist’s Zinema Screen 1.

That’s a whole lot of sessions. There’s more! Check out the full agenda and REGISTER!