Facebook Goes Shopping And Twitter Moments Highlight ‘The Game That Shan’t Be Named’ | Social Marketing Cluster Facts

Welcome to this week’s Social Marketing Cluster Facts! Every week we dig into the social media marketing news scene and uncover the goods. What’s up this week?

Shopping comes to Facebook, Pinterest introduces video and Twitter provides on-the-minute Olympic coverage. Watch SMCF!

Soon you’ll be able to shop ON Facebook. In an effort to keep users on the platform, Facebook is rolling out new marketplace features that will allow brands to sell their services and products directly on their page. Consumers will be able to search for items through Facebook and make offers in the Messenger app. Southeast Asia will be the first to see the new feature, with it rolling out to the rest of the planet in the coming weeks.

Click-baiters, beware! Facebook is working on changing its algorithm to cut down on the absurd amount of click-bait ads and will be scanning for posts that are deceptive. “But, Lea how do I know if my post is too click-baity?” Facebook states that they will be looking for two things: 1 – if the headline withholds information required to understand what the content of the article is; and 2 – if the headline exaggerates the article to create misleading expectations for the reader. For example, this headline: “This dog just ate a whole box of ExLax…You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!” I guess click-bait reliant pages will have to get more creative with their creative.

Want to put a filter on your Face IN Facebook? Soon you’ll be able to. In a move that’s widely seen as an effort to compete with Snapchat, Facebook is giving users what they already have in Snapchat.

Remember when Instagram ruined your timeline? It’ll maintain that status quo with its new Stories feature, which mimics Snapchat’s existing Stories feature… However, the platform is working on improving the algorithm to reportedly show you the Stories you’ll care about most. According to them.

Pinterest recently announced that a native video player, improved recommendations and more are coming to the platform. Why? Pinterest has seen a 60 percent increase in videos over the last year and notes that when people come across a how-to video, they’re more than twice as likely to give it a try. You can expect to see these updates roll out in the next few months.

LinkedIn is changing its cookie policy! In a recent blog post, the platform indicated it will now track users on and off the platform for 30 days.

Snapchat has two new deals bringing more content to the platform. The first is a two-year deal with the NFL, which will bring an NFL curated discover channel to give users access to behind-the-scenes content and fan videos. The second deal is with NBCU, which will be producing new shows specifically for Snapchat. The new shows will not be repurposed content but rather new and exclusive content specifically for the messaging app. The deal will kick off with “The Voice on Snapchat” where users can submit clips of themselves singing and be judged by The Voice “coaches.”

Twitter introduced “Instant Unlock Cards”that use call-to-action buttons to encourage users to tweet to earn a reward. The new cards use conversational ads and beta brands had an average 34 percent earned media rate. Which equals… you pay for 100 impressions and receive 34 earned impressions! The new ads came with a new analytics dashboard that you can check out by logging into your Twitter Ads dashboard.

Want to keep up with your favorite team at the sports that shan’t be named? Fly over to Twitter Moments and click on the city name that rhymes with, “Geo 2000 and someteen” link, then click “Follow” to have minute-by-minute updates about those events that are interrupting your regularly scheduled programming.



Facebook adds shopping and services sections to Pages, @thekenyeung, Venture Beat

News Feed FYI: Further Reducing Clickbait in Feed, Facebook Newsroom

Facebook begins testing a Snapchat-like camera with filters and stickers, @CaseyNewton, The Verge

Instagram is using an algorithm and Facebook data to sort its new Stories feed, @petersontee, Marketing Land

Ideas come to life with video on Pinterest, Pinterest Blog

LinkedIn Revises Cookie Policy, David Cohen, SocialTimes

The NFL will get a Snapchat Discover channel as part of a new two-year deal, @KurtWagner8, Recode

Drive brand conversation with the new Instant Unlock Card, @ilyabr0wn, Twitter Blog

Twitter revamps Moments for the Olympics, with weeks-long tracking of sports and events, @sarahintampa, Tech Crunch

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