Reason number 87 we love Facebook’s Power Editor: It’s the source to access the latest, greatest targeting options… Facebook Partner Categories! The release and excitement of Facebook’s Partner Category targeting, Datalogix, Acxiom, and Epsilon, has been widely covered. Here, we’re laying out the new Facebook targeting visually because: 1) It’s been requested, and 2) Seeing the category targeting laid out is downright HANDY for Facebook advertisers. It makes choosing the targeting much easier than with Facebook’s threaded drop-down within Power Editor.
Grab your hats, here we go!
See what we mean? Difficult to view targeting all at once.
Facebook’s been in cahoots with Datalogix since 2011, when they began working together to tie Facebook ad performance to real-life, off-line purchases. Now, marketers can tap into Datalogix’s sweet inventory of Big Data, which ranges from vehicle owners to those in-market for vehicles, demographics, lifestyle, consumer packaged goods (CPG), retail, and subscriptions services.
The inventory is GIANT, right?! But, wait, that’s only the Auto category. There’s more:
While drastically smaller than Datalogix, Acxiom has really interesting targeting options for those in the B2B space (Hello, “Job Roles!”) and demographic information, which includes a user’s property value. This could be extremely useful to advertisers selling luxury or big ticket items. Shoot, we were already pretty jazzed to be able to target, definitively, users with homes, let alone based on property value!
Sounds like a Bond code word, huh? Though smaller than Axciom, and a dwarf in comparison to Datalogix, the targeting with Epsilon is pretty bad @$$ with even more occupation targeting. Epsilon also includes business types, among other drool-worthy targeting.
There you have it, Facebook’s Partner Categories mapped out visually. We advise advertisers to dive in the category pools, Facebook Broad and Partner, often as new data may become available!
Post image photo credit: © michelangelus –