Facebook Updates! 2013 Brings More Fresh #FB Ads Features & Functions

My oh my, the engineering elves over in Menlo Park have been busy! Some may remember the incredibly useful features and updates Facebook released mere weeks ago. Now, just days into the New Year, FB is at it again. Social marketers returning to the office after the holidays are in for even more update surprises! We like, Facebook. We like.

Let’s unpack the latest features and functionality available to Facebook marketers, shall we?

Post Updates From Create Flow
First, Facebook marketers can now post updates, links, and photos from the Ads Manager Create Flow.

We’ll tip our hats to the Facebook team for this one. Well thought out, the hybrid marketing community manager can post pictures, updates, and even links with a thumbnail and meta information that can be edited just like posts from the Wall.

Better Connection Targeting for Sponsored Stories
The second update is one that we’ve been waiting for since Facebook futzed with the connection targeting for Sponsored Stories when they updated the Create Flow design a few months back.

Facebook has returned to advertisers the ability to create Sponsored Stories that show social engagement surrounding liking or commenting any post.

Facebook advertisers can still create Sponsored Stories for a particular post and the social engagement Sponsored Stories will be for only that post.

To create Sponsored Stories for any post, advertisers must select See Advanced Options, and choose to create a new ad about their Page.


As mentioned in our last post about Facebook updates (linked above), clearly these changes are an indication that Facebook is taking great strides to improve the Ads platform and perhaps even listening to the advertiser feedback. Yay!

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