Hear Ye, Hear Ye! AIMCLEAR to Keynote #SES London Tomorrow Morn’


AIMCLEAR founder and evangelist Marty Weintraub is across the pond at this very moment, getting set to keynote the 14th annual SES London”one of Europe’s leading digital marketing events. He’ll hit the stage Thursday, 21 February at 9:15AM (London Time), for a presentation that’s surely not-to-be-missed.

Hosted by Search Engine Watch and ClickZ, SES London showcases some of the industry’s foremost thought leaders and serves up killer curriculum for professionals from all walks of the online marketing spectrum. From search to social, mobile to email, this agenda is as deep as it is dynamic– and attendees walk away informed, inspired, and ready to rock.

On the final morning of this year’s event, Marty will be sharing insight on “Optimising Humans! The Art of Data-Driven Social Marketing,” with much of the content coming from the pages of his new Wiley/Sybex book, “The Complete Social Media Community Manager’s Guide,” co-written with long time AIMCLEARian Lauren Litwinka.

During his keynote, Marty will explore proven methods to:

Audience members will enjoy plentiful actionable paid and organic social tactics for immediate forward momentum. Sound like your cuppa tea? Read on for more come-and-get-’em takeaways, straight from Marty himself:

  • Learn techniques you can actually use every day for mapping search to social. Discover how to identify socially plugged-in authority users along classic lines of search conversion semantics history.
  • Explore organic and paid social mashup tactics to leverage the data.
  • Open your mind about how retargeting and third party audience modeling matters to community managers and content marketing.
  • Investigate data-driven friending tactics: Cool perspective shifts regarding how community managers (and everyday people) can undertake programmatic outreach to connect with personal & business authority users and collect them as friends for fun and profit.
  • Probe killer social media paid tactics to target the “whole user” in social channels.
  • Open your mind about how retargeting and third party audience modeling matters to community managers and content marketing.
  • Consider new KPIs for measuring social media efforts, including “friend leads” and conversion
  • Anything I feel like talking about :)

Already in London? Be sure to set your alarm clock for this baby. Not at the show? Tune into Twitter for live coverage comin’ atcha from center stage.

Update (2/12): SEW’s Andy Betts captured Marty’s keynote in his recent post, 8 Ways to Optimize for Humans: The Art of Data-Driven Social Marketing. Enjoy!

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