Highlights From AIMCLEAR Speaking Agenda, Q3 &4


Online marketing is more than our profession – it’s our passion. Opportunities to learn and share know-how seem never in short supply. Each year we venture across the world to attend an array of industry events, and we return home with fresh ideas and lasting business contacts. The first half of 2010 has taken AIMCLEAR from Duluth to Portland, New York to London, Austin to Toronto, Sydney to Santa Clara– to events including SES, SMX, SEMpdx, SXSW, and 140Conf– and we’re excited to announce our speaking schedule and conference agenda for Q3 & 4.


Search Engine Strategies | SES San Francisco | Aug. 16-20, 2010
Next month’s show in San Francisco is must-attend, featuring industry luminaries Tim Ash, Bruce Clay, Rand Fishkin, Michael Gray, Cindy Krum, Lee Odden, David Szetela, Richard Zwicky and dozens more. AIMCLEAR‘s Matt Peterson (@matt_peterson) and Lauren Litwinka (@beebow) will be live-tweeting and blogging conference coverage while our own Marty Weintraub hits the stage. On Day 1, Marty will speak on the Deep Dive Into Analytics: When Bounce Rate No Longer Floats Your Boat session, and Day 3 he’ll contribute his 2 cents on the Facebook Feeding Frenzy: Targeting Opportunities, Privacy Challenges panel. New to the San Fran scene is Connected Marketing Week, 5 days of in-depth cross channel marketing training, networking and of course, partying.

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing | Sept 28 – Oct 2, 2010
The Atlanta-based Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing brings together women in a variety of tech fields, including computer science, information technology, research and engineering– exploring professional roles and achievements therein. Coverage will be provided by AIMCLEAR‘s Alyssa Engleson, who will live-tweet (@aengleson) and blog conference takeaways.

Search Marketing Expo | SMX East | October 4-6, 2010 Autumn in New York means SMX East, and members of AIMCLEAR hope to travel to the Big Apple just in time to attend. With a rich program designed by Search Engine Land’s Danny Sullivan and Chris Sherman, SMX is one of those not-to-be-missed industry events. Past SMX speakers include thought-leaders Greg Boser, Jessica Bowman, Christine Churchill, Matt Cutts, Eric Enge, Jennifer Laycock, Aaron Wall and Chris Winfield, among many others.

Direct Marketing Association | DMA San Francisco | October 9-14, 2010 Marty will be head back to San Francisco to speak at the Direct Marketing Association, a dynamic event that encompasses (and embraces) both traditional and digital marketing tactics. Blending direct and digital marketing, DMA2010 will feature a diverse clan of keynote speakers including Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, wine enthusiast & entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuck, and acclaimed director James Cameron.

140 Character Conference | 140conf Detroit | October 20, 2010 This Twitter-focused convention is relatively young, but its star-studded cast of speakers–including Ann Curry, MC Hammer, Soleil Moon Frye, and Arianna Huffington– has garnered prominence and popularity over the last two years. Tech anthropologist-entrepreneur Jeff Pulver brings together an audience eager to share and soak up Twitter success stories. Lauren plans to live-tweet Detroit’s concert-style conf, which features 150+ speakers and 10-20 minute presentations in one jam-packed day.

International Search Summit London | October 28, 2010 Making a second 2010 biz trip across the pond, Marty will be speaking at the International Search Summit in good ol’ London. This one-day event, hosted in the elegant British Library, features an impressive array of online marketing and social media experts from each corner of the world. Marty is set to deliver an afternoon presentation on Blending Search with Social to Harness Global Data

PubCon | Pubcon Las Vegas | November 8-10, 2010 Pubcon’s intense fusion of affiliate, SEO, PPC and technical makes it one of the coolest conferences around. Located in the stunning city of Las Vegas, it attracts industry superstars like Adam Audette, Brent Payne, David Wallace, Eric Enge, Michael Streko, Rae Hoffman, and Stoney deGeyter. Live-tweeting and blogging the sessions will be AIMCLEAR‘s Merry Morud (@merrymorud).

We hope to see you at one, if not all of these events 🙂 Reach out on Twitter if you’ll be there so we can meetcha in person. If you can’t make the trips, be sure to check back at AIMCLEAR Blog for extensive conference coverage.

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