The envelope please, drum roll… We are #Proud to announce that AIMCLEAR has been cited on the 2012 Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing private companies in America. We’ll pick up the hardware at the 500|5000 Conference & Awards Ceremony in Phoenix, Arizona, October 5th. The Inc. 500 is a prestigious annual list citing the top 500 fastest growing, privately held companies in America. To be included this year applicants needed to achieve minimum revenue growth of 761% over the trailing three-year period (2008-2011). AIMCLEAR grew 823% during that time period. This is like a dream. In June we were recognized as one of Minnesota Business’ 100 Best Companies to Work For.
Founded in 2007, AIMCLEAR has grown quickly and is still expanding. With offices in Duluth and St. Paul, MN, we continue to serve our esteemed roster of clients, helping them navigate the continually shifting tectonic plates of online marketing. It’s been a wild ride and we’re more relevant than ever. AIMCLEAR is and has always been a marketing company fixed on targeting customers with certainty (who), badass creative (what), guerrilla conversion tactics (how) and PR (relationships). It’s all mashed together now. We have a perfect amalgamate of skills to excel in this day and age.
AIMCLEAR‘s hybrid chops are representative of the radically mashed up confluences our industry came to be. In this fascinating age of retargeting, paid/organic social amplification, penguins, pandas and Pinterest, classic marketing skills remain the most important. We’re known for bleeding-edge creative tactics, holistic approach, integrated use of social media channels and search. We’re proud that our team is comprised of accomplished international speakers, authors, clinicians and industry thought-leaders.
First and most importantly, we could not have done this without our amazing clients. You know who you are. Dudes and ladies you are the coolest clients in the world. Let me say it is our distinct privilege to serve you. Thank you. From iconic fortune multinationals to forward thinking entrepreneurial start-ups, we couldn’t have achieved this recognition without our treasured clients.
Our employees are radical, super cool people and we love them. Of 21 employees, four hail from University Of Minnesota, Duluth and three are College Of St. Scholastica graduates. How cool is it that over 30% of our company is made up of alumni from Duluth colleges. We’re indebted to the cities of Duluth, Saint Paul, and the great state of Minnesota. AIMCLEAR employees have moved here from as far away as Texas and New York.
Thank you to the conference series that we have attended, spoken at, covered, planned, and been involved with over the years. The panels, keynotes, round tables and seminars, from Sydney and London to New York and San Francisco, nurtured our agencies mind, soul, and empowered us. We love you SMX, SES, PubCon, International Search Summit, MIMA, SEMPDX, Media Post Search & Social Insider Summits, eMetrics, mozCon, MediaBistro, All Facebook, PPC Hero, Zenith, Social Media, PPC Hero and DrupalCon.
I am particularly grateful to conference leaders who have believed in and supported AIMCLEAR from the beginning. Danny Sullivan, Chris Sherman, Barry Schwartz, Mike Grehan, Rand Fishkin, Todd Mintz, Marilyn Crafts, Laura Roth, Loren Baker, Chris Winfield, Laurie Sullivan and Stewart Quealy, YOU are real rock stars. Thank you for inviting us to speak, blog and be part of your world.
AIMCLEAR has always been devoted to creating a remarkable work environment that encourages culture-forward thinking, cooking, wine, laughter and music.
We have treadmill, standing desks and conference living rooms. Our office in Duluth is centered on a lovely kitchen where we take cooking lessons, eat together often and can salsa. Our employees take astounding personal responsibility and I’ve never seen a happier crew anywhere. As a company we devote ourselves to our employees’ brand and support everyone in becoming as valuable as possible. That’s the AIMCLEAR way.
I’m eternally grateful to John Goldfine for encouraging me to step up my game, even as I recovered from cancer in 2005 and 2006. Thanks to my outrageously fine daughters for their love and support. Little sweethearts, there were days where I should have been home with you guys, was out making our way, and you did not complain. Last but not least, thank you to Laura Weintraub, AIMCLEAR‘s COO and General Counsel. Thank you for marrying me. Thank you for being my sure partner. None of this would have been possible without your incredible business acumen over the years.
We’ll do our level best to live up to expectations created during the last five years. New technologies will emerge and the game may change again over night…and then again. We’re not worried. That’s online marketing for you. We’re marketers first so nothing will ever freak us out. There are a number of individuals and companies, who I did not cite here, that played important roles. If you don’t see your name here, trust me, we know who you are. Inc. 500- Yeah baby!