Ireland: Facebook English Speaking Demographics

Happy St. Patrick's Day
Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, and welcome to part four of our Facebook English Speaking Demographic Series. Yesterday, we dug into the different ways English Speaking Facebookers in the United Kingdom self-identify. Before that, we took in the big picture with Population Graph: Where Are Facebook English Speaking Users?, a comprehensive chart featuring Facebook stats from the top 60 countries that name English as an official language.

Today we’re heading to the Emerald Isle, where, as of May 19th, 2010, there were 1,486,720 English Speaking lads and lasses on Facebook. What do you say we have a look-see at what they’re up to?

Total English Speaking Users 14 & Up

English Speaking Males & Females 14 & Up

English Speaking Straight & Gay Males

English Speaking Straight & Gay Females

English Speaking Males: Single, In a Relationship, Engaged, or Married

English Speaking Females: Single, In a Relationship, Engaged, or Married

Languages Spoken: French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Arabic, Japanese
While this series revolves around the trends and interests of English speaking Facebook users, comparing the inventory against those who identify with other languages can provide useful insight as well.

River Dance

English Speaking Facebookers Ages 14-18, 19-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, & 56-64

English Speaking Users By Location
Over 1 million of Ireland’s Facebook users live within 50 miles of the three largest cities.

Demographic Segment Samples
From place of employment to sexual fetishes, these segments explore different concepts with which Facebook members in Ireland self-identify. As with our demographic research from the UK, this is but a sample of Irish folk’s interests, and there are countless more to be explored.
Major Employers, Trades & Occupations in Ireland
On the opposite end of the cleric spectrum, we have…
And while some self-identify with bubblegum rock & American television…
Other’s have more adulterated interests…

English Speaking University Students & Majors

Generic vs. Brand Booze
If this comparison teaches us anything, it’s to never underestimate the love of a good beer.

There you have it– no spuffs here, lads and lasses. Be sure to come on back for tomorrow’s installment when we examine our friendly neighbor’s to the north in Canada: Facebook English Speaking Demographics.

credit: ChiBart
credit: Otra vez me hice Mujer
credit: bark

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