Joanna Lord, VP of Marketing at Porch, is a force in the digital marketing industry, defining the expectations of a marketer’s role and pushing the limits of established thinking.
Throughout her career, Joanna deeply explored each aspect of the marketing funnel, landing on the engagement side of digital marketing today. Her mantra is that every marketer is a brand marketer. Joanna has eight years of digital marketing experience spanning almost every channel. She’s also a regular speaker at many conferences, both national and global.
Joanna preaches that marketers are the champion and protector of brands. Leverage and build an online community to strengthen a brand. Bottom line? Brands can’t fake authenticity anymore because the audience won’t believe it.
AIMCLEAR‘s Founder Marty Weintraub recently interviewed Joanna, produced by AIMCLEAR‘s Video Production Specialist Nate Kruse, in our Duluth studios during Zenith Social Media Marketing Conference. Follow along as they discussed major takeaways and what she believes make the best brands in the world.