My, how time does fly! It seems like just yesterday we were rolling up our sleeves and steaming up the proverbial windows in Avinash Kashu’s opening keynote of Search Engine Strategies New York 2012, and now just three warp-speed days later, this year’s East coast installment of the SES conference series has come to a close. Oh, the bittersweetness! Fortunately, we can keep the memories alive by ritualistically pouring over pages upon pages of rockstar live coverage from around the Interwebz!
Feeling nostalgic for the wisdom of folks like Todd Freisen, Bryan Eisenberg, Dana Todd, Matt Van Wagner, Graywolf, Paul Madden, Lisa Williams, Eric Enge, and more? Fantasizing over the tips, tools, tactics and takeaways shared from the podium? (Didn’t get to go to the conference and want free access to all of the premium knowledge bombs dropped this week?) Then charge forth with this killer library of live coverage straight from #SESNY 2012! Light some candles, open a nice bottle of wine, cue up the swanky piano lounge music, and relive the magic, the madness, the majesty that is #SESNY 2012.
AIMCLEAR‘s Lauren Litwinka (@beebow) and Ryan McGrath (@ryanpatrickPR) were front and center, brains caffeinated and laptops charged, churning out coverage via live-tweets and deep blog recaps throughout the 3-day shindig. Here! Behold the fruits of our labors:
- Data Puking, Killer Master Ninjas, & “The Big O”: Avinash Keynotes #SESNY
- Lug Wrenches to Bieber: Unpacking Ultimate SEO Tools @ #SESNY
- Masterful Landing Page Optimization: Do It For the Beagles #SESNY
- Viewable Impressions = Ad Industry Game Changer at #SESNY
- Embrace Your Inner Robot: Social Marketing Automation Done Right @ #SESNY
- Social Commerce Psych: The Whys & Hows of Consumer Behavior #SESNY
- How to Boost A Social Strategy On A Bite-Sized Budget: Tips from #SESNY
Unfortunately, no one was able to capture via liveblog AIMCLEAR‘s Marty Weintraub during his solo show on How To EXPLODE Your Social Media Strategy! How do you liveblog a presentation of slides featuring pictures of beady-eyed gerbils and Atari-esque supernova explosions? Hrmmm…
Journalists from all corners of the globe were there along with the AIMCLEAR team. For even more coverage of even more sessions, go check out their blogs!
Hop on over to Bruce Clay Blog for fantastic coverage on the following sessions:
- Social Media as a Performance Channel with Google Analytics
- Protecting High-Value Branded Search Terms
- SEO and Website Migrations: How to Have a Smooth Transition
- SEO is Dead. Long Live SEO! SESNY 2012 – Bruce Clay Blog
- Local Myth Busters: Local Optimization Facts Proven or Debunked
- Local + Social: The Future of Promotion
- Liveblogging SES New York: Psychology of Social Commerce – JLH Marketing
JLH Marketing was livebloggin’ it up this year. Check out their recaps of:
- Liveblogging at SES – Is SEO Dead? – JLH Marketing
- Liveblogging at SES: Advanced Paid Search Tactics
- Liveblogging SES New York: Psychology of Social Commerce
- Liveblogging from SES: Advanced Mobile Marketing
- Liveblogging at SES – Measuring Social Media Success!
Click over to TopRank for write-ups of these guys:
- Expert Video Marketing Strategy – Spoiler Alert: Cat Videos Included #SESNY
- Landing Page Tips to Increase Conversions – #SESNY
- Google Bringing You Down? Tips for Avoiding Duplicate Content & Multiple Site Issues – #SESNY
- Is Your Local Optimization Landing You New Customers or Leaving Them Lukewarm? – #SESNY
And last but not least, some good stuff from the folks on adCenter Blog:
- 8 Key Takeaways on Using Quality Score in Microsoft Advertising adCenter from #SES New York
- Paid Search Competitive Analysis with Stephanie Bailey #SES New York
- Competitive Intelligence for Paid Search Advertising with Matt Van Wagner at #SES New York
Huge thanks to the entire #SES crew– organizers, speakers, moderators, A/V team, the works– for a truly awesome conference experience. And thanks to the beautiful city that never sleeps (and tells), the one and only New York. We love you.