Welcome to this week’s Social Marketing Cluster Facts! Every week we dig into the social media marketing news scene and uncover the goods. What’s up this week?
Facebook rolls out a mobile app for minors, LinkedIn files a lawsuit over profile-scraping bots and Twitter provides users with new notification filters. Watch SMCF!
Instagram did it again ” copied Snapchat, that is. Now it’s released a new feature that collects videos around live events into a single stream just like Snapchat, the only difference being they are tailoring the video content to each user, unlike Snapchat.
Last Wednesday, Pinterest announced its latest spin on digital video ads. Pinterest will insert a cinematic pin which is like an animated GIF-like video-lite ad format Pinterest announced last year. It will play some sound-free frames from the video as people scroll past it. People will have to tap on these teasers in order to see the video, which can run up to five minutes long and be formatted horizontally, vertically, or squarely. Brands will have to pay for these ads even if no one checks out the actual video, using their CPM, cost per thousand impressions model, so you are paying for animated gif impressions, not video views.
LinkedIn is cracking down on data scraping bots. The company is filing a suit to uncover the identities behind more than 100 IP addresses that have deployed bots that scrape users’ profile information. LinkedIn is citing the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in its suit, claiming the profile scraping equates to hacking.
Facebook is rolling out a new app only for young users. If you’re 21 and under and a high school student (huh?), you’re eligible to use the Lifestage app. Users don’t have to be enrolled in Facebook and can instead sign up through their school name. Rather than writing status updates, Lifestage allows users to post selfie videos to depict their current emotions. The move is seen as an attempt on Facebook’s end to reach the younger audience that is flocking to platforms like Snapchat. However, reviews on the app aren’t so hot, with youngens complaining that it requires them to give up too much information and… doesn’t make all that much sense.
Facebook is cutting off publishers’ access to Domain insights, which shows developers how content performs when shared inside Facebook. Publishers who were already enrolled in Domain Insights will keep access to the data. However, developers will no longer have access to set up new accounts. This is the biggest take-backsies since Facebook Gifts, or Facebook Lite, or Facebook Home, or Slingshot, or Facebook Credits, or Facebook Locations…
A Barron’s report stated that Facebook Incorporated has “the potential to climb by more than 20 percent over the next year” as a result of the surge of mobile ads. Facebook Inc shares traded at around $124 and is expected to increase when or if Facebook decides to fully cash in on mobile advertising on its other platforms like Instagram and Messenger.
If you are using Google Plus Hangouts live broadcasting tool, “On Air,” you should know it is being replaced by YouTube Live as of September 12th. Any scheduled On Air hangout after the 12th needs to be rescheduled on YouTube Live. Some feel Live is a more complicated process and the few die hard Google Plusers are disappointed in the transition and loss of reporting tools.
Twitter introduced a couple of filters last week. First, you can now sort out what notifications you would like to see or not and manage them right on the notifications tab. Also, quality filter settings can now be turned on and will automatically filter duplicate and low quality tweets, including those that appear to be automated from your notifications. These two new features are currently rolling out to all accounts. I personally rolled out a new Twitter filter called “Unfollow”, because I don’t have time for that shit.
Snapchat is looking to buy search app “Vurb” for 100 million dollars, plus they’ll spend another 75 million to keep Vurb’s CEO Bobby Lo. Vurb is a search app that helps find events and reviews catered to the user. It’s unclear what Snapchat will be using Vurb and its team for, but it’s not hard to imagine search and location information being applied to Snapchat’s user interface. We’ll keep an eye on this as the deal moves forward.
Instagram is now copying Snapchat’s Live Stories with events video channels, @petersontee, Marketing Land
LinkedIn sues anonymous data scrapers, @kateconger, Tech Crunch
Facebook targets under 21s with its Snapchat-style Lifestage app, Sarah Griffiths, WIRED
Facebook suspends Domain Insights, changing rules of the road for new publishers, max@digiday.com, DigiDay
Facebook can climb more than 20 percent on ad growth: Barron’s, @catkngai, Reuters
Google Plus’ Hangouts On Air moved to YouTube Live, ZDNet
New Ways to Control Your Experience on Twitter, @EmilLeong, Twitter Blog
Why Snapchat would spend $100 million on Vurb and another $75 million on its CEO, @peard33, LA Times
Pinterest debuts click-to-play, mobile-only video ads, @petersontee, Marketing Land