Wow, Day 1 was a Whriling Dervish at SearchEngineStrategies New York 2010! The content struck me as seriously next gen’. We heard plenty of new terms today like “attention frontier” and “sliding window.” Our good friend Simon Heseltine won the engraved iPod while Lee Odden and Chris Boggs rocked the house with their well-honed approach to leveraging digital assets.
It was great to run into friends and industry associations like Chris Elwell, John Marshall, PubCon’s Brett Tabke and (of course) our AIMCLEAR blogger-crew: @merryMorud, @mannyRivas and @beebow (lauren Litwinka). The Exposition hall was jam packed to the hilt as SEM vendors displayed their wares. Of course, the Hilton New York Hotel is always a grand host for SES, one of the original industry conferences, a venerable mainstay. Here are a few images by which to remember the depth of Day One this year.