photo credit: pmarkham
All good things get better! AIMCLEAR has exited those architecturally picturesque halls of Duluth’s historic Carnegie Building and “moved on up” to loft-style grandeur, third floor corner suite offices in the iconic Paulucci Building. We’re pleased to announce that we’ve relocated to Duluth’s famed Canal Park. This space doubles the ol’ dig’s square footage, along with an immeasurable upgrade in scenery.
Overlooking our building and filling my window is Duluth’s historic Aerial Lift Bridge. All day, sounds and sights of the World Wide Web inside converge with harbor ambiance. The bridge goes up and down while honking at passing ships from around the world. Manny just took this picture out my office window.
The Paulucci Building, named after legendary entrepreneur Jeno F. Paulucci sits in the heart of Duluth’s lakefront and is literally the last building before the Ariel Lift Bridge, timeless passageway to the beaches of Minnesota Point AKA Park Point and the world. Mr. Paulucci owns this building and is famous for starting over seventy companies during his long career including Chun King, Jeno’s Pizza Rolls, and Michelina’s.
Peer out a different window and be graced by a view of the largest of the great lakes, Lake Superior. The power of the lake makes itself known on days white caps threaten to overtake everything in their path. Other days, step outside and lunch becomes a peaceful, zen experience walking or sitting along a lakewalk that spans over 3 miles and takes you up the rocky shores of the lake. With sounds of Bob Dylan inside and Seagulls outside, AIMCLEAR staff experiences the magnificence of Duluth every day. Richard Bach eat your heart out.
Nostalgically, our airy space is reminiscent of the 1920s with one open corner dedicated to Marty’s baby Grand piano (one of his favorites). The recording studio is under construction and expected to come on line next week.
Add some Far Niente Cab’ and mood lighting to be instantly transported to a lakeside lounge scene that rivals the days of the Velvet Fog.
We hope you’ll drop us a line any time you visit Duluth, Minnesota. You know where to find us: last door on the right before you go over the bridge 🙂 .