Perhaps it’s an early holiday present. Perhaps it’s a consolation prize for the alleged impending end of the world. Either way, we’re always tickled pink when social platforms gift us with seriously useful features. There is a new feature available in the Facebook Ads Manager (rolled out to select accounts) that’s got us pretty excited. Now, marketers have the ability to create similar ads and place them in another Facebook Ad account. Way cool. AIMCLEAR has been doing this the hard way for YEARS. It’s nice to Facebook stepped up to the plate and streamlined the process.
This new feature is especially useful to agency Facebook advertisers and “mothership” brands on Facebook with many associated pages. Think financial companies with individual branches, for example.
Duplicate Ad & Targeting
Now, an advertiser can create a similar ad, which will duplicate the ad and targeting…
…and place it in another account of which the advertiser has access.
Sweet! And not only does Facebook keep the targeting and the traditional ad, this even works for the alternative ad units:
- Page Ads
- Page Post Ads
- Page Like Stories
- Page Post Like Stories
Duplicate Targeting Only
If you only want to copy the targeting over to another account, you can do that, too! Simply select Create a Similar Ad and be swiftly brought back to the full Create Flow to create an ad of your choice…
… so now you have created a new ad, kept the ad targeting of the original ad, and placed it in a different account.
Use Custom Audiences Between Accounts
Advertisers can now target Facebook Page A’s connections in Facebook Page B’s Ad account, AND have access to Account B’s Custom Audiences from the Create Flow in Facebook’s UI. Custom Audiences had previously only been accessible using Power Editor, but now can be found in the Create Flow. BONUS!
Revisit Unfinished Ads
When advertisers navigate away from the Create Flow without finishing an ad, you know, to read new comments on the picture you just posted of your new puppy…
(I just had to… 🙂 )
…Facebook will remind them at the top of their News Feeds, with the ability to go back to the ad where they left off.
This, we have to admit is pretty darn smart of Facebook.
There’s even more!
All Campaigns Layout Beefs Up
The All Campaigns view has changed a bit as well. Now, the status of ads is displayed as text, rather than a play / pause symbol. Also, Daily Activity has been beefed up a bit– better informing advertisers as to:
- How many users were reached
- The number of active campaigns
- Total spend for the day
Not too shabby, Facebook, not too shabby at all.
Arguably the best thing about these changes is that they are an indication of the direction Facebook is taking its Ads Platform. Hopefully, Facebook is starting to realize advertisers often administer more than one ads account, and crave more information on the advertising landing page. Zuck & Co. still have a long way to go in terms of perfecting Facebook Ads, however, with these changes we’re more optimistic they’ll get there sooner rather than later.
Post image photo credit: Flickr Cuttlefish