PR Triage, 32 Million PPC Impressions, Less Than 4K


Tune in to and hear yesterday’s interview. David Szetela and I described a reputation management crises we handled for a client together, that tallied 32 million targeted “emergency PR” Google pay per click impressions for less than 4K.

We had a client with a bad “problem-word.” The nasty verbiage also existed in annoying permutations like “problem-word” + DirectBrandName. Mission one was to serve the public with timely information. There were thousands of news articles in the SERPs, ranging from major sources to po-dung radio station sites.

We helped our client stave off predatory attorneys and the tactic delivered with laser-beam-like precision at an extremely low cost, using “negative calls to action” and David’s industry leading Content Network targeting techniques.

PPC just might be one of the world’s most efficient public relations tools in times of serious reputation crises. Tune in to learn about the “Negative call to action” as a secret to incredibly inexpensive Google advertising.

Disclaimer: data is approximate, so as to respect our client’s confidentiality.

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