SearchWiki, Served Best With Lamesauce T-Shirt


Some SEOs like @jillwhalen, are reserving judgment. Others like @graywolf are vocal in their skepticism, even going so far as to say that Google’s SearchWiki forces us “eat the heart of a live cobra” by allowing to users to edit search engine results.

Either way, @streko won last week’s  AIMCLEAR SES Twitter T-shirt-naming competition with his killer suggestion, “SearchWiki, Served Best With Lamesauce.” Read on to see 4 ways YOU can get a totally free  AIMCLEAR SearchWiki T-shirt of your very own!

  1. Suck up to Michael Streko at the IMNY Charity Party during SES New York. He’ll have 20 shirts with him to give away. The event is to benefit Lymphoma research, a topic dear to my heart. The party, which will be packed with SEM rock stars,  is open to all Internet marketers for a $50 charity donation which includes the open bar. It takes place at the Heartland Brewery in Union Square, New York, NY, Monday March 23, 2009 from 8pm-12am.
  2. Introduce yourself any one of our AIMCLEAR crew members during SES- Manny, Matt, Nam or Peter. They’ll be blogging 50+ sessions at SESNewYork. Each AIMCLEAR team member will have T-shirts to give away (0r know how to get them).
  3. Wrangle an invitation to the Clix/AIMCLEAR SchmoozeFest, rapidly becoming a classic gathering whenever @davidszetela and I are both speaking at the same conference. I’ll be giving T-shirts as door prizes, by random drawing. Watch AIMCLEAR Blog next Monday for more details.
  4. Approach me during SES and answer the question: “What’s the average air speed of a fully laden swallow?” The first 25 people to answer the question correctly, win a SearchWiki T. I’m also open to other creative proposals. 🙂

We’re looking forward to seeing ya’ll at SES. Stay tuned for our conference coverage along with special SchmoozeFest details for AIMCLEAR readers.

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