Seattle Bound! #SMX Advanced Speaking & Blogging Agenda


ZOMG! SMX Advanced is next week? How did this happen!? Usually by this time, the snows have melted, the flowers have bloomed and we Minnesotans break out our sandals (for the 3 months of the year we can actually wear them without risking frostbite). Well here we are in early June, stuck in the 40s and 50s, with no flowers (or sun) in sight! The typical harbingers of SMX Advanced were nowhere to be seen this year, so you can understand how it’s simply mind-blowing that the conference has already arrived.


Now that we’ve gotten over the shock, we’re getting busy prepping presentations and clearing our brains of useless knowledge (trigonometry, anyone?) to make room for all the goodies that will be jam packed into two days of keynotes, sessions and networking, followed by a day of workshop madness. Representing the AIMCLEAR crew will be Marty Weintraub, of course, Mike Marshall and yours truly, Lindsay Schleisman. Read on for a peek at our speaking and blogging agenda, and watch for more details about our giant yellow expo hall “booth,” coming tomorrow.

Stage Time

Tuesday, June 11, 1:45 pm
What’s Hot With Paid Social (#smx #13B)
Marty and fellow panelists Adam Berke, Jeffrey Jewett and Jennifer Wong will delve into paid social media campaigns, getting granular on the networks and the various opportunities they offer. From ad types to tactics and strategies for buying ads to ROI, this session is a must attend for the community manager and online advertising director alike. Join the panelists, along with moderator Greg Finn and Q&A coordinator David Roth, to learn why paid is the new organic.

Wednesday, June 12, 3:00 pm
Amazing Paid Search Tactics & Tools
(#smx #23B)
Keeping with the theme of paid media, Marty will join Paul Corkery, Marta Turek and Frederick Vallaeys to discuss evolving tactics and toolsets for paid search. An ever-popular panel, this session will boost your PPC campaigns to the next level. Gain expert insight, learn cutting-edge tactics, absorb case studies and walk away with a road map to PPC success. Need directions? Moderator Matt Van Wagner and Q&A coordinator David Roth will help guide the way.

Screen Time
SMX Advanced sells out every year, and this year is no different. If you weren’t able to snag an All Access Pass, follow along with our coverage of the event. I’ll be sharing nuggets of wisdom via Twitter (the hashtag is #SMX), as well as longer recaps of select sessions right here on AIMCLEAR Blog. Here’s where I’m planning to be next week:

Tuesday, June 11

  • 9:00 am – The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors: 2013 Edition
  • 11:00 am – Authorship: The Deep Dive
  • 1:45 pm – What’s Hot With Paid Social
  • 3:30 pm – The Crazy, Complicated Technical Issues That Completely Sabotage The Best SEO Efforts
  • 5:00 pm – You&A With Matt Cutts

Wednesday, June 12

  • 9:00 am – Keynote Conversation: Gurdeep Singh Pall, Microsoft
  • 10:45 am – Think You Know Good Content? Fuggedaboutit. Here’s What Really Counts
  • 1:30 pm – Metrics That Matter: Advanced Tips And Tricks For Actionable Analytics
  • 3:00 pm – Ask the SEOs

Workshop Time
community-management-master-class-logoAlthough SMX Advanced is sold out, a Workshop Pass can get you in for a full day of focused training in any of a number of areas. AIMCLEAR will once again host its Community Management Master Class workshop. If you’re charged with developing or managing your corporate social media presence or serve as an in-house or agency community manager, join us to learn all the latest tools, tips and tactics. From content to channels to connecting social efforts to SEO and PPC, we’ll take a seriously deep dive into what it means to manage your community effectively and achieve your marketing goals. Didn’t get your fill of Marty during the conference? Stick around for the workshop on Thursday, June 13. The fun starts at 8:30 am.

See you in Seattle!

photo credit: Benson Kua

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