SES Chicago 09′ Looms Large in The Windy City!

It may be blustery outside, but this year’s SES Chicago looks like a burner! With more than 70 sessions covering PPC management, demographic research, SEO, social media, link building, mobile and duplicate content, SearchEngineStrategies Chicago is an annual techno-pilgrimage for fortunate attendees. We’re stoked because December 7-11th is coming up fast!

AIMCLEAR will be at SES (as always) in full blogging regalia covering sessions, speaking and hanging out with ya’ll. Here’s our speaking schedule, a look at notable sessions and what to expect from this year’s information-packed conference.

Steeped in search marketing history, each year the ornate Chicago Hilton Hotel plays host to industry movers, shakers, thought leaders and journalists.

First, the keynotes look fabulous: Dan Siroker, former Deputy New Media Director, Obama Presidential Transition and Founder, CarrotSticks. Dan was responsible for strategic planning of the administration’s use of the Internet and technology. Obviously Obama’s use of social media from YouTube to Facebook rocked the house.

Peter Morville, President, Semantic Studios is widely acknowledged as a father of information architecture. He’s penned the best-selling books, Information Architecture for the World Wide Web and Ambient Findability, and helped such organizations as AT&T, Harvard, IBM, Microsoft, the National Cancer Institute, Vodafone, and Yahoo!

Jeff Jarvis is author of What Would Google Do ? He covers media, technology and business on his blog, Jeff is associate professor and Director of the Interactive Journalism Program at the City University of New York’s new Graduate School of Journalism.


December 7 – Monday, Day 1 at 1:45, I’ll speak on the The State of Search Track, Online PR: Where to Next? Panel. This session will take a look at “how social media and search will impact PR in the next five years.” The Moderator is Sally Falkow, President, PRESSfeed. Speakers are Beth Harte, Community Manager , MarketingProfs, Duncan Alney, President & Social Media Strategist, Firebelly Marketing and Andy Beal, CEO, Trackur.


On Wednesday, December 9 – Day 3 at 12:45PM, I’ll have the pleasure of moderating Facebook Rockstars RoundTable: Marketing For the Other Internet. Join kick-ass social marketers Addie Conner, Director of Interactive Marketing, Avenue100 Media Solutions, Melissa Mackey, Search Marketing Manager, Fluency Media and Muhammed Saleem, Director of Social Media Strategy, ChicagoNow. They’ve experienced groundbreaking Facebook success and will share case studies and anecdotes surrounding winning strategies, tactics, trials and (importantly) process & errors, all which led to astounding breakthroughs.

Here are a few sessions that I’ll personally check out:

  • Meaningful SEO Metrics: Going Beyond the Numbers
  • Ghost Blogging, Tweeting, Content Production – Ethical? Does It Matter?
  • Real Time SEO: No More Yesterday’s News
  • Duplicate Content & Multiple Site Issues
  • How to Speak Geek: Working Collaboratively With Your IT Department to Achieve Business Goals
  • Black Hat, White Hat: Does it Really Matter Anymore?
  • How to Cut Your Corporate Budget Without Cutting Leads or Sales


SES Chicago is the grand lady of search marketing conferences and this year looks like a burner. There’s still plenty of time to register and we hope to see you there!

Photo Credit Flickr/today is a good day


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