Dr. Qi Lu, president of Microsoft Online Services Division, and Matt Cutts, head of Google’s spam team will keynote Search Marketing Expo – SMX Advanced June 2-3 in Seattle, WA. It’s your chance to tell Google (to their face) exactly where you want them to go next.
In his first presentation to the search marketing community since joining Microsoft, Lu will engage in a keynote dialog with SMX conference Chair and Search Engine Land editor-in-chief Danny Sullivan.
We can all look forward to a fascinating conversation, surrounding Microsoft Live Search developments and other topics. This keynote promises to be vibrant and dynamic.
Always affable Google “spam czar” Matt Cutts will appear at SMX Advanced for the third year in a row. The “You&A” format keynote, in which @mattcutts answers questions posed by all SMX Advanced audience comers, is bound to be another classic.
Last year I thought GrayWolf was going to throw a shoe from the audience. Matt Cutts is a totally good sport so Katie bar the door. You get to tell Google exactly what you think.
To our mind, “Advanced” is one of the don’t-miss training opportunities of the year. Register by May 1st for the early-bird rate. AIMCLEAR will be covering sessions, keynotes, networking events. I’ll be speaking on multiple panels so stay tuned for more information.