#SMX Day 2: Top Tweets and the Tweeters Who Tweeted

The world of digital marketing is rich with brilliant minds that grasp and understand the need for insanely fast ” and accurate ” industry information. This year’s SMX Advanced Twitter feed reflects that mentality, providing crazy cool, insightful and mind-blowing bits of information coming to life in Seattle this week.

For each day of the conference, we’re highlighting tweets that stop you in your tracks and provide important information in the form of creative packaging. These folks not only dish out the digital marketing goods, they also reinforce our belief that this industry is awesome.

Thanks to those covering SMX via Twitter ” the globe would be missing out without your observant reporting. So, here are Wednesday’s top tweets. Soak ’em in!

Ruth Burr Reedy, Independent SEO Consultant, @ruthburr

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Imelda Khoo, Senior Account Director at Babcock & Jenkins, @imeldak

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Greg Sterling, VP Strategy and Insights at Local Search Association, @gsterling

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Tony Verre, Owner at Silver Arc Search Marketing, @TonyVerre

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Cindy Krum, Denver, Mobile Marketing Evangelist at mobilemoxie.com, @Suzzicks

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Monica Wright, VP Audience Engagement at Third Door Media, @monicawright

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Margot da Cunha, Content Marketing Specialist at Wordstream, @ChappyMargot

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Michelle Robbins, Vice President of Technology at Third Door Media, @MichelleRobbins

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Greg Gifford, Director of Search and Social at Dealeron.com, @GregGifford

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Amory Kelie, Global SEO Lead at Adidas, @amorykelie

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