Facebook thinks about getting in the sports and scripted show game, Snapchat lets you message with groups of 16(!) and Twitter drops its lead-gen ads. Get the scoop behind the headlines! Watch SMCF!
Twitter dropped its lead-gen ads that requested users’ information. When Twitter’s spokesperson was asked what marketers would be offered in exchange, the question was left unanswered. The ability to create lead-gen ads concludes at the end of January, and they will stop showing March 1, 2017.
Google wants to understand the language of emojis. In order to do so, they launched the ability for users to Tweet emojis at Google’s Twitter handle, which prompts Google to automatically Tweet back, sometimes with a little snark. The tweet will include a GIF and a link to a local SERP it thinks pertains to the emoji. OK, Google. Beer emoji. And, Tweet. Cheers Google!
It’s finally here! Snapchat groups has arrived! Now you can share Snaps with up to 16 friends at a time, which is great. Although, for some people, it may only be a reminder of how few friends they have.
Snapchat is now letting you Shazam right from your phone and send songs to your friends! I personally would prefer the ability to send Kazaam to your friends, but what do I know?
Could Facebook be the new Netflix or Amazon Prime? Maybe. The platform is looking into the purchase of scripted and non-scripted shows, as well as sports… we don’t know much more than that, but we’ll keep ya posted.
Advertisers, Facebook messed up its math… again. The most recent errors impacted reaction count on live page videos and engagement figures for off-Facebook links. The off-page figures were discovered by Buzzfeed and the New York Times through investigations into fake news. Woops.
Stop the presses, 4K LIVE streaming is now available for YouTube. 4K resolution is pretty sharp, and being able to stream that quality is awesome! Problem is, most of you can’t even really enjoy it. Native 4K support is not widely available on most mobile devices and TVs, and the cords and peripherals aren’t quite up to par either. So, woop-di-do. Future me is really gonna like this.
U.S. Instagrammers can now use the Stories feature to share live video! This is like so many other social channels, so what’s unique? Once the live video is done, it’s gone. It disappears into the ether we call the interwebs.
Instagram vs. Snapchat: Only one will survive… Ok, not really, but in a mere five months Instagram’s Snapchat video clone is entertaining 18 percent of U.S. Instagrammers daily and 53 percent monthly. Some say Instagram’s Stories is better than Snapchat. Thems fightin’ words. We’ll keep an eye on this duel.
Twitter is eliminating its ads that requested people’s personal information, @petersontee, Marketing Land
If You Tweet an Emoji at Google’s Account, It Will Link to Local Search Results, @LaurenJohnson, Adweek
Snapchat has rolled out a group chat feature to let you message 16 friends, @ArjunKharpal, CNBC
You can now Shazam a song from within Snapchat, @nattgarun, The Verge
Facebook exploring creation of its own original video content, @etherington, Tech Crunch
FAQ: Everything Facebook has admitted about its measurement errors, @petersontee, Marketing Land
4K live streaming: Live has never looked so good, YouTube Official Blog
Instagram’s live video is rolling out to all US users starting today, @chriswelch, The Verge
Instagram Stories have all but replaced Snapchat for me, @FROMEDOME, ReCode