Social Marketing Cluster Facts: Facebook Goes Live & Votes Open For Best YouTube Ads

On Friday, we dive into the week’s social media news, providing you with real (and amusing) insight into this dynamic industry.What’s up this week?

Facebook rolls out LIVE videos, Twitter turns users into meteorologists (kind of) and YouTube opens voting for the most creative and effective ads of 2015.

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Introducing Live Video and Collages, Facebook Newsroom

Could Google’s New Star Feature For Images Challenge Pinterest?, @MartinBeck, Marketing Land

YouTube Seeks Streaming Right to TV Shows, Movies, @alistairmbarr, @benfritz, The Wall Street Journal

Could Twitter Be As Helpful As A Snow Plow?, @KunkleFredrick, The Washington Post

Mark Zuckerberg Vows To Donate 99% Of His Facebook Shares For Charity, @vindugoel, @nickwingfield, The New York Times

Twitter Co-Founder Evan Williams Gives Shares To Family Foundation, @NathanBomey, USA Today

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