Stop LinkedIn New Connection Spam with This Blunt Direct Message

How to avoid LinkedIn connection spam.

LinkedIn is a powerful channel for business. AND, it’s one of the noisiest channels to navigate. Most of us LinkedIn users have experienced the scourge of new connection spam.

Here’s how new connection spam works: a seemingly symbiotic LI user requests connection, often with a simpatico sounding direct message (DM). We accept the connection and the user sends a spam DM, promoting something as their first act of “Friendship.” #Annoying. #DeleteConnection

LinkedIn Spam Profile Telltales

The first layer of filters to avoid ugly new connection spam, is simply to refuse new connection requests from LinkedIn users whose profiles have the following characteristics:

  • The users “About” information in a personal profile, is actually sales copy.
  • “Current Position” is not a job title, but instead promotes a company, a “We’re hiring” message, or is a role you obviously don’t care to have in your community i.e. Explainer Video, virtual assistant, etc. I personally don’t accept connections from CPAs, headhunters, real-estate agents, car salespeople, and other similar roles.
  • The profile image is a logo, a couple, a religious icon, suggestive, shoddy, or otherwise not a person
  • First name/last name are keyword spam, i.e. first name, “Minnesota,” last name, “SEO.”
  • The connection request comes from a country in which you’re not working to build a network.
  • Little or no detail in the LinkedIn profile
  • Gratuitous use of ASCI characters, punctuation and/or emojis. ————!!——–[ Job Title] ————!!——–
  • Job titles like “Guru,” “Expert,” “Sage,” “Evangelist,” when the user has little experience to show
  • The user sends a message with the connection request with words like “partnership,” or “mutually beneficial,” or they promote or sell anything: “we’re both active in business,” or “wanting to pick your brain.”

The Blunt DM

Lately I’ve started to send a direct message to most new connections accepted. The messaging, which is from my heart, has cut WAY down on new connection spam. Feel free to cut, paste, edit, and use this verbiage.

Here’s my new first DM to anyone I don’t know, whose LinkedIn connection request I just accepted:

Dear [NAME],
I’m grateful you requested connection. I accepted your request. which means your professional approach felt somehow heartfelt and or your profile impressive.

NOW, please don’t spam me, meaning NO SELLING TO ME EVER, unless I ask. The kind of vendors AIMCLEAR hires don’t need to pitch their connections list.

I’m not looking for a coach, a “we help businesses or agencies,” or “help finding and/or closing leads.” Please no invitations to “Break the ice,” “Events,” “Pick my brains about marketing,” or “Learn more about” my business unless you’re interested in hiring AIMCLEAR.

The sort of professionals I remain connected with don’t use LinkedIn to prospect ME. That said, it’s easy to earn my attention. Be SO remarkable that people discover you and I will discover you too. Imagine how delighted I will be to find that you are already my connection on LinkedIn.

Since I started sending this DM to new connections, I’ve received much less new connection spam. The occasional person disconnects with me or even blocks as a response. I’m good with that. A good business connection for me also dislikes new connection spam and is capable of hanging with a direct approach. I get mostly positive feedback from new connections who appreciate the sentiment.

LinkedIn, in the hands of non-spammers, is a wonderful tool. Happy networking!

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