Philippines: Facebook English Speaking Users

Manila Bay
Greetings, and welcome to part seven of our Facebook English Speaking Demographic Series! We’re back with your weekly international humpday hike around world. Last Wednesday, we explored a heaping variety of social segments from English Speaking users over in India. Before that, we dug through demographics from the UK, Ireland and Canada, as well as stats of the 60 countries with the largest FB userbase (that also claim English as an official language) in Population Graph: Where Are Facebook English Speaking Users?.

Today, we’re venturing even further east to “the Pearl of the Orient Seas,” the Philippines. As of June 9th, 2010, this region claimed a sizable English speaking FB member count of 13,360,440. Are your bags packed? Got your passport? We’re off to dive into the meat of what these 13 million members disclose in their profiles.

Total English Speaking Users 14 & Up

English Speaking Males & Females 14 & Up

English Speaking Straight & Gay Males

English Speaking Straight & Gay Females

English Speaking Males: Single, In a Relationship, Engaged, or Married

English Speaking Females: Single, In a Relationship, Engaged, or Married

Languages Spoken: Chinese, Italian, Filipino, German, French, Japanese, Spanish & Arabic
While this demographic series spans the globe, the focus is, again, on English speaking users. However, comparing the populations of English speakers to non-English speakers in each country is a great way to view national stats through a different, equally vital lens.

English Speaking Facebookers Ages 14-18, 19-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, & 56-64

little miss-e

Interest-Driven Segment Samples
These next segments range from workplace to musical interests, fast food to religious devotion, the ordinary to outrageous…

English Speaking Employees at Major Companies In the Philippines

English Speaking Members of American Armed Forces

mobile store

Interests In Professions

English Speaking Students: Colleges & Majors

Wholesome Interests

Not So Wholesome Interests…

It’s interesting to note that nearly half of the adults who claim to “like” this type of animal violence fall within the slim age range of 18-25.

American Pop Culture
It seems no nation has escaped the cinematic craze known only as Twilight… and a healthy handful of English speaking Facebookers in the Philippines apparently are still way into that lovable little rapper from Detroit…

Fast Food Side Orders & Major Brands
Sorry, tots- you may have had your fifteen minutes of fame in Napoleon Dynamite, but a side of fries are still the fast food snack of choice in the Philippines. By a delicious landslide.

But what fries reign supreme? According to these segments, Burger King is anything but king of the fast food market in the Philippines. Looks like McDonald’s efforts to become an internationally-adored dining establishment have paid off.

Well that about wraps it up for us here. Be sure to check back next week when we head down to South Africa to take a peek at what their 2,833,860 English Speaking Facebookers are up to.

credit: lutykuh, 3rd
credit: azilade
credit: therealbrute

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