This Week in Social: Facebook Buy Buttons to #DistractinglySexy Scientists

Welcome to This Week in Social (TWIS)! Every Friday we’ll be be diving into the week’s top social media news, providing you with real (and amusing) insight into this dynamic industry.

What’s up this week? New buy buttons from Facebook and Pinterest, Facebook location-based marketing, why you should avoid hashtags in direct response ads AND scientists who are #distractinglySexy. Curious? Watch TWIS! Turn it on. Turn it up.

Twitter Boots Nonprofit that Exposed Politicians’ Deleted Tweets, Marc Schenker, Digital Trends

Making Conversations Easier to Follow on the Tweet Page, Akarshan Kumar, Twitter Blog

Hey Twitter Advertisers – Want More Clicks? Lose the Hashtag!, Kurt Wagner, <Re/code>

#Distractinglysexy Twitter Campaign Mocks Tim Hunt’s Sexist Comments, Claire Shaw, The Guardian

Facebook Challenges Pinterest with News Feed Buy Button for Shopify Merchants, Josh Constine, TechCrunch

Pushing Place Tips, Facebook Offers Free Bluetooth Beacons to U.S. SMBs, Martin Beck, Marketing Land

Open Source Pinot: Scaling the Wall of Real-Time Analytics, Kishore Gopalakrishna, LinkedIn Engineering

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