Welcome to this week’s Social Marketing Cluster Facts! Every week we dig into the social media marketing news scene and uncover the goods. What’s up this week?
Twitter goes berserk over a monkey identity crisis, Facebook rolls out 360 videos and Instagram logo changed… Watch SMCF!
Google rolled out updated news about it’s Preferred premium content feature at YouTube’s Brandcast event, and they say it’s better than ever. Firstly, you can now jump on viral video bandwagons, advertising alongside the uprise of what Google is calling “Breakout Videos” such as the Whip Nae Nae, the Harlem Shake, the Bernie, Stanky-leg, the Twist, the Jitterbug, or any of the next big dance crazes young people love. Secondly, upfront buyers will have the option to create video campaigns programmatically through DoubleClick Bid Manager, putting all your campaigns in one easy-to-access place. THIRDLY, the NBA is adding highlights on Google Preferred, so you can advertise during games, opening access to NBA’s slam dunkin’ fan-base.
Instagram’s logo changed. EWW. WHY? They say they want users photos & videos to be more of the focus. Ooooohkey, yeah, because white-washing your user interface is TOTALLY going to help that. We at AIMCLEAR are not against brands updating their image, or minimal design, or gradients. Based on the video Instagram released that touches on their design decisions, we can see they put a lot of work and thought into it. We acquired this exclusive behind the scenes video of Instragrams design process… Which explains a lot.
Facebook’s new photo feature will have users spinning. The Verge is reporting that 360 degree photos are set to hit news feeds in the next few weeks. They’ll function similarly to 360 degree videos but Facebook is hoping the ability to create 360 degree photos will make the feature more accessible to more users.
Rumor patrol: Facebook is under fire after Gizmodo accused the Social Media giant of censoring conservative voices and criticism of Facebook. Facebook said “nuh ah” and is apparently out to prove it. We’ll keep an eye on this and make fun of it when more concrete news is available.
Are you a startup looking for some cash to get off the ground? Well Justin Kan may be able to help you. You can pitch your startup idea to Justin and his team via Snapchat. They’ll be taking audience feedback into account, but will give the winner a chance to cash in on $20,000 for their startup idea.
Guess who is responsible for the top performing Snapchat Lens in the app’s history? Nope! Not Coke or Nike, but Taco Bell! That’s right the Cinco de Mayo sponsored lens campaign had 224 million views & generated 12.5 years of play in a single day.
Twitter News! First, Twitter’s feathers were a bit ruffled after the platform was accused of slow active user growth. Twitter says its reach extends beyond users logged into the platform and that unique visits to websites with embedded tweets need to be considered. If that were the case, Twitter’s reach would truly be closer to a billion people. What do you think? Does Twitter get to count other website visitors as users? Next, Omnicom Media Group, Publicis Media & Dentsu Aegis Network renewed thier upfront deals with Twitter. Why do you care? These three are major TV advertisers and Twitter is working hard to boost video ads, so… ? Finally, Twitter’s Periscope is getting a search feature! In the coming weeks, you’ll be able to search by topic or title. The new feature will have a global list to get you started with food, music, travel & other options. Slick. Drones have also been added as a new feature to stream live from a bird’s eye view. Lastly, broadcasts with the hashtag #save will be kept beyond 24 hours.
Twitter and families are divided all thanks to @jonnysun. The question is akin to those that have plagued our nation for years. Like… What’s the purpose of life? Were there multiple shooters on the grassy knoll? Is the dress blue and black or white and gold? and NOW is this 1 monkey making 3 faces or 3 monkeys. Buzzfeed, E News, Cosmopolitan have all joined in on the debate. Even @twitter was up to monkey business. We polled the office and we are evenly divided: 15 to 9, 3 monkeys for the win.
Instagram strips down its logo, apps because they weren’t simple enough already,@petersontee, Marketing Land
Facebook is bringing 360-degree photos to the News Feed, @nickstatt, The Verge
Facebook controversy shows journalists are more complicated than algorithms, @dannyyadron, The Guardian
Snapchat Pitch Competition, JustinKan.com
Taco Bell’s Cinco de Mayo Snapchat Lens Was Viewed 224 Million Times, AdWeek
Twitter renewed its upfront deals with these three agencies,@petersontee, Marketing Land