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The AIMCLEAR Guide to Web Accessibility and WCAG Best Practices
We hope this guide and the examples provided help you on your way to WCAG Compliance. Not only will coming into compliance better serve your web site/web app users, these best practices dovetail nicely with a proper SEO strategy and if properly implemented, can benefit your search visibility. If you’ve not already done so, be sure to download the guide – this PDF will be a handy resource for you as you begin assessing, testing, and setting up your sites and apps for WCAG compliance. We encourage all brands to read the guidelines from the W3C’s resource Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C. And we’d like to send a huge thank you to our web developer Sara Shilinski for her insights and support in getting our own site on track for meeting accessibility standards. Reach out to us to leverage our expertise in web accessibility and SEO, or to help with your site’s design, development or web accessibility/WCAG compliance. Fill out the brief form below and let us know how we can partner with you!