You Should Be at SES & What to Do if You’re Not

seschicago-tile175x90Welcome to Search Engine Strategies Chicago 2009! The sun has not yet risen but excitement is palpable here at the ornate and venerable Hilton hotel.

If you’re reading this post you should definitely be here. Nothing is as effective as mining first hand information from the best online marketers in the biz’ along with an incredible helping of camaraderie and business bonding. That said we’re stunned at the array of talent embodied in the correspondents conference organizers have assembled to document the proceedings. A hat-tip goes out to the SES crew for its forward-journalistic-thinking and substantial investment to bring in the writers. Here’s comprehensive SES Chicago 2009 coverage publication list.

In addition to myself, AIMCLEAR has 3 blogger-correspondents blogging and tweeting: @merryMorud, @matt_peterson & @mannyRivas) There’s also an amazing array of other writers spanning a veritable who’s-who of search marketing bloggers and agencies. (Also, you’ll find my speaking schedule here and I’ll be tweeting @AIMCLEAR.)

SEORoundTable brings the only true “live blogging” to SES Chicago, using the CoverItLive platform blogging is real-time-cool like Twitter, but “Producers” are not limited to 140 characters. Our friend Barry Schwartz was kind enough to invite me to sit in to live blog a couple of sessions. My SEORT blogging schedule is here. With multiple bloggers handling a some of sessions, SEORT offers up among the best search marketing conference coverage in the world.

ClickZ is a huge resource offering interactive marketing news, information, commentary, advice, opinion, research, and reference in the world, online or off.

Econsultancy is a community-based publisher, focused on best practice digital marketing and ecommerce.

With more than 7 million monthly pageviews, Mashable is a massive blog focused on social networks and web 2.0 news. is a publication for news, research, analysis, tips, and other resources for video search optimization and online video marketing.

Search Engine Guide is a free resource site aimed at educating small business owners about search engine optimization, paid search advertising, link building and blogging.

Search Engine Journal specializes in a community approach to the reporting of search engine news & the sharing of Search Engine Marketing knowledge & tactics.

Search Engine Watch provides tips and information about searching the web, analysis of the search engine industry and help to site owners trying to improve their ability to be found in search engines.

Search Marketing Gurus is a search marketing and industry blog that covers the online marketing world.

TopRank Online Marketing Blog is a wonderful resource for internet marketing resources, news, interviews and how-to articles about natural search optimization, paid search marketing, social media and online public relations.

WebmasterRadio.FM is a free, Internet-based radio network focused on the B2B e-commerce marketplace.

WebProNews a great source for e-business and search news

This one’s is bit emotional for me. Back in the day, SES Chi-town was the very first search marketing conference I ever attended. Though the industry was nascent, in terms of mainstream public attention, it was clear that ‘us geeks and nerds were poised to take over the ROI-motivated-marketing-newly-wired planet. The experience blew me away and literally was the launching pad for AIMCLEAR-the company. Things have only gotten better.

If you’re reading this post, you should be here because nothing is like the in-person experience. However if ya’ just can’t get away, stop back, follow out tweets and check out the veritable cornucopia of professional coverage.

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