Riiiiiiing! Hear that bell? It’s about that time again for eager Facebook marketers to take a seat in mama’s kitchen classroom. Starting off bright and early on Monday, February 27th, the AIMCLEAR crew (plus one very special guest) will set up shop in sunny California’s San Jose McEnery Convention Center, rearing to talk revamped curriculum for our Facebook Intensive Marketing Workshop geared up for SMX West. We’ve shared some titillating details in the past few days, but not all. Don’t you slightly feel like a freshman on the first day of high school whose class schedule just got sucked into the tailpipe of a passing car? We can help with that.
AIMCLEAR‘s taking you back to school, not before arming you with a comprehensive run-down of training modules. But first! A look at your teachers for the day:
Marty Weintraub (@AIMCLEAR): CEO of AIMCLEAR. Speaker, author, world traveler, and your workshop host with the most.
Will Scott (@w2scott): Owner/CEO of Search Influence, longtime pal of AIMCLEAR.
Merry Morud (@merrymorud): Account manager at AIMCLEAR, all-around Facebook marketer extraordinaire.
Matt Peterson: (@Matt_Peterson): Account manager at AIMCLEAR, maybe the funniest / freakiest person on the roster.
Now that we have our introductions out of the way, it’s time to look at your day of fun-filled learning.
8:30 – 8:45 am | Welcome, House Rules, Introduction & Overview
Will Scott and our very own Marty Weintraub will kick things off with an overview of the day’s training modules, as well a few housekeeping items that will save you from a ticket to detention…. Fortunately, computer use and tweeting from your phone are not against the rules…
8:45 – 9:30 am | Facebook Demographic Research & Guerilla Targeting
Marty will lead the charge in all things demographic research, blending both traditional and not-so-traditional channels while offering up some key tips into how to best leverage search to recognize social users, investigate search history to cultivate social strategies, and target top-notch social segments that surpass literal targeting.
9:30 – 10:10 am | Establishing Facebook Marketing KPIs
By discussing how social resources, public relations, internal, and search engine optimization all work together, Marty will describe how to achieve realistic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), all while focusing on how search affects social.
10:10 – 10:25 am | Coffee Break & Refreshments
Because we all know you’ll need a little brainpower recharge…
10:25 – 10:40 am | Curate & Aggregate! Industrial Strength Content Sharing For Powerful Community Managers
Straight from Marty’s mouth, learn advanced strategies for compiling free, non-competitive, third-party resources, and how to leverage your newfound cauldron of information to keep your community updated on the latest and greatest news.
10:40 – 11:00 am | Holistic Befriending in Facebook: 36 Ways to Make More Social Media Friends Who Matter
Marty will discuss various case studies about the best methods for keeping your stalking at an acceptable, non-scary level and how to make friends with authoritative social media users. Come prepared!
11:00 – 11:30 am | Facebook Crises Management! Dealing with Intra-Community Bloodshed
Arm yourself with an indestructible plan for when your social community erupts into madness. Attendees will learn several crowd-calming tactics and stress-reducing tips for when the going gets rough. Marty and Merry Morud will lead this discussion and share actionable advice from traumatizing experiences.
11:30 am – 12:00 pm | How To Buy Fans For Fun & Profit
Get ready for case studies on how to best “buy friends” and investigate the value of a CPF (Cost Per Friend) and what it means for you with Will. Don’t fret, lunch and recess are up next.
12:00 – 1:00 pm | Lunch Time
1:00 – 1:20 pm | Killer Facebook Ads: Account Structure & Optimization
In order to have a really killer Facebook Ads account, you have to start with the basics. Learn how to organize your account structure to best serve your needs as you start building campaigns, rolling out ads, and optimizing for superior performance. Merry will guide you through some of the best strategies and naming conventions that will help you achieve advanced account management.
1:20 – 1:45 pm | Killer Facebook Ads: How To Write Ads like a Rockstar
Merry’s at it again, offering up awe-inspiring tips on how to best utilize your 160 characters for headline and body copy. What can you do to make sure they get noticed? Learn proven techniques, from out-of-the-box brainstorming sessions to maintaining optimization for creating the most killer Facebook Ads you have ever dared to dream of.
1:45 – 2:15 pm | Killer Facebook Ads: Choosing Images That Scream
Now that you know how to create Killer Facebook ad copy, what do you do with it? Facebook’s gargantuan community likes to visualize everything, so it’s imperative to match an attention-grabbing ad image with awesome creative copy. Merry will walk you through A/B test case studies to demonstrate which ads work and which ads don’t, all while sharing bountiful best practices for selecting and optimizing your ads.
2:15 – 2:45 pm | Sponsored Stories & Other Fantastical Social Facebook Ad Unit
Sponsored Stories and their mysterious intricacies will be uncovered as Marty discusses the top-secret elixir and innovative strategies to help you utilize the tremendous advantages and powerful perks available”as well as best practices and shortcuts out there.
2:45 – 3:00 pm | Coffee Break & Refreshments
3:00 – 3:45 pm | Decoding Facebook’s EdgeRank & Organic Visibility
Facebook’s ranking algorithm, EdgeRank, will be exposed by Will as he shares newsworthy tips and insider tricks for increasing and embracing community engagement to elevate how your social assets are viewed organically.
3:45 – 4:20 pm | Digging Deep In Facebook’s Insights & Mining Organic Analytics
Will gives us a birds’ eye view of Facebook’s organic analytics platform”Facebook Insights”to see the assortment of combinations of metrics available, including engagement and demographic figures that can help convert insight into action, followed by a ten minute Q & A session.
4:20 – 5:00 pm | The Great Big Glistening Tremendously Tricked-Out Book of Tools
All together now! Marty, Merry, Will and Matt Peterson will plunge through a jam-packed session showcasing a plethora of tools ranging from conventional to borderline lunatic, complementary to enterprise-level, all while discussing the advantages and disadvantages of these toolsets and a standard framework to help evaluate them.
5:00 – 6:00 pm | Optional Extended Q&A in the Bar!
As a reward for your hard efforts throughout the day, we will move on to the bar for anyone who is interested in joining us. Not your average prize for a long day at school, huh?
That about sums up our workshop for SMX West! We hope to see you in sunny San Jose. Remember, you get a free copy of Killer Facebook Ads if you attend. Haven’t registered yet? There’s still time! Go get ’em, tiger!