Zenith Social Media Marketing Conference is a special event. Featuring topnotch speakers and diverse content, Zenith is one of the most comprehensive regional social media marketing conferences in America. These are the same speakers that you might pay thousands of dollars to see at national conferences.
We’re excited to announce that #Zenith2016 is on April 28, 2016! Mark your calendars now because this is an event you will NOT want to miss. 🙂
The conference is a true private business civic partnership between the Duluth Chamber and AIMCLEAR. We create the agenda, invite the speakers and organize the conference with the Duluth Chamber each year. All proceeds are donated to FUSE, the Duluth Chamber’s organization devoted to keeping college grads in Duluth.
Check out our Zenith recap video below. From world-class speakers to Birds-of-a-Feather roundtable discussions with industry leaders, this conference was unstoppable. Cheers to a great Zenith Conference and we already look forward to next year!