Sometimes when new search marketing clients realize the awesome power of modern analytics they ask us for guidance regarding learning resources. With a little hunting you can find useful (and totally free) blog-resource reading materials. Here’s a list of Analytics blogs whose feeds we’ve bookmarked.
A Universe to Discover
This is just a starting point for your journey. Though the links below represent a wide variety of free analytics information, don’t forget to check out each site’s technorati profile to see other which blogs have linked in. There is a universe to discover. Happy reading:
Apogee Weblog – Apogee Web Consulting LLC’s founder Richard Ball blogs about small business growth, web analytics, and search engine marketing.
eCommerce Blog – Groove eCommerce’s CEO Ethan Giffin blogs about subjects varying from SEO to analytics as well as industry and company news.
Google Analytics Blog – Google Analytics team official blog providing up to date news, tips, and resources
Jonathan Mendez’s Blog – Analytics, branding, paid search, and usability
Lies, Damed Lies – Ian Thomas of Microsoft’s Digital Advertising Solutions group blogs about the ever changing world of online marketing and web analytics.
Luna Metrics Tips on how to increase your site’s conversion rate, what conversion tools to use, and all about web analytics
Marketing Logic – Matt Bailey, of SiteLogic a website marketing consulting company blogs about search marketing and analytics.
MoreVisibility SEM Blog – MoreVisibility’s team discuss topics including industry news and events, CPC, analytics, and conversion rates.
Occam ‘s Razor Avinash is an independent consultant who blogs about his focus on speaking and consulting engagements to help organizations learn to use the power of web research and web analytics. Avinash is a gracious guy and his blog is lovely.
ReveNews – ReveNews’s authors blog with a focus on internet related industries including online marketing, SEM, affiliate marketing, retail, analytics, spyware, blogging, and more.
Web Analysis, Behavioral Targeting and Advertising Anil Batra of ZeroDash1, blogs about web analytics, online advertising and behavioral targeting.
Web Analytics Book – Web analytics news from Sebastian Wenzel
Web Analytics Demystified – Web analytics guru Eric T. Peterson gives tips for making web analytics professionals more successful.
Web Analytics World – Observations and knowledge about analytics and search marketing from Manoj Jasra of Enquiro Search Solutions
Web Analytics .be Blog Ideas, thoughts, and views on web analytics from, a business unit of OX2
WebConnoisseur – Thoughts on search, web analytics, and the web in general from Dustin Woodard
Web Metrics Guru – Web analytics, web metrics, and the search marketing industry from Marshall Sponder
Unofficial Google Analytics Blog An unofficial google analytics blog from ROI Revolution