Today we are pleased to announce that AIMCLEAR has become a partner agency with ClickTracks an industry leading web analytics solutions provider. ClickTracks serves up deep, insightful, and actionable analysis of your web site’s organic and paid search marketing results. We believe it’s the best solution available today for cutting edge traffic analysis cross-segmented by user behavior .
Kevin Cobourn, ClickTracks Sales Manager welcomed us into the ClickTracks family.
“On behalf of ClickTracks allow me to welcome AIMCLEAR. I look forward to watching you use our software to advance your business’ performance as well as increase your level of opportunity by including web analytics as part of your value proposition.”
Associate Paid Marketing, User Behavior, and Content to ROI.
ClickTracks measures web campaigns, site navigation patterns, PPC, SEO and ROI statistics with unique simplicity, elegance, and depth. The software is used by leading edge companies like Nokia, Coke, Pfizer, Volvo, Verisign, Wells Fargo, Inuit, ING and tracks over 26,000 websites for more than 8,000 clients. Our new agency partnership with ClickTracks gives us the ability to deliver this wonderful analytics solution to qualified customers in an affordable client-center environment.
What Makes ClickTracks Different?
ClickTracks uses radically different analytics architecture which makes powerful data-mining available to marketers on their own desktop. This analytics package has the capability to map areas of content and user behavior (funnels) to ROI and even calculate margin. We’ve used other commercial (and free) analytics programs for our clients and the options available in ClickTracks are difficult or impossible to implement using traditional web analysis tools.Valuable Insight
ClickTracks is a polished improvement of overly-complex web analytics tools and light years ahead of free packages. As a marketer you will gain incredible insight into the effectiveness and ROI of your organic and paid web marketing efforts. Everyone knows that Google provides “free'” web analytics in exchange for use of your private data. ClickTracks blows it away in it’s ability to segment and cross reference traffic by source and user behavior within your content.
Our partner agency status with ClickTracks means we can easily set up web analytics on your site to collect the right data. We’ll use the software to help you formulate salient questions regarding the effectiveness of your paid and organic web marketing and turn the resulting analysis into answers and decisions. Then you act on the answers and decisions and measure the results of the efforts.