AIMCLEAR® Facebook Marketing Intensive Heads To #SMX Advanced

Ahh, Facebook… a household name in social networking that needs no introduction. Nearly 600 million strong, Facebook is a fertile watering hole for enagegement-(and distraction)-hungry users, calculating community managers, and advertisers on the cutting-edge. Targeting capabilities are killer, CPCs are comparitively cheap, and the userbase continue to surge. As kids today say, “Facebook is where it’s at!”

In spite of all this, seven-year-old Facebook is still very much in its infancy, and these social waters have only begun to be charter in a seriously deep way. For marketers who’ve yet to get their social-sea legs, as well as those looking to deepen their know-how & sharpen their social skill set, AIMCLEAR is excited to unleash the second wave of our Facebook Marketing Intensive workshop this June at SMX Advanced. Read on for the scoop.

Search Marketing Expo Advanced is one of those beloved staples in our industry conference calendar. Annually held on the advent of summer in Seattle, SMX Advanced attracts a seasoned crowd of no-nonsense marketers ready for two jam-packed days of sessions, presentations, panels, keynotes, and, of course, networking. Thought-leading speakers include Greg Sterling, Vanessa Fox, Todd Friesen, Danny Sullivan, Chris Sherman, Bruce Clay, and our own Marty Weintraub.

The AIMCLEAR team will journey west for the event, and stay on through the week to host our full-day Facebook Marketing Intensive workshop.

We’re going to rock the Bell Harbor Int’l Conference Center AIMCLEAR style on June 9th from 8:30 am PST til dawn happy hour. Joined by a panel of accomplished international Facebook marketers, Marty will lead the crowd through an array of FB marketing fundamentals, including:

  • Demographic Research & Guerilla Targeting Tactics
  • Establishing Facebook Marketing KPIs
  • “Buying Friends” and Organic FB Analytics
  • End-to-End Facebook Ads
  • Community Management Training (from content aggregation to friending to crisis management)
  • Facebook SEO and Organic Visibility Hacks
  • Reputation Monitoring in Facebook

The goal of our workshop is to leave attendees armed and excited about deep tools, tactics & techniques for driving serious, highly-targeting traffic from Facebook, leveraging paid advertising and hooking in free, organic tactics.

Want to learn more? Check out the full session descriptions. Already convinced? Register today (or at least before May!) for best savings on Early Bird rates.

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