When it comes to the quaint custom of #FollowFriday, I often wish that tweeps’ recommendations came with explanations, speaking to why I should follow their friends. In that spirit, this post offers my #FollowFriday recommendations for today, Sara Holoubek and Andrew Ecklund, with explanations of why I enjoy their tweets.
It’s the tiny little social media moments that fill me up as a marketer. I feel them like music, with emotions, and among our friends. Earlier this week a chance exchange, while working on client things, made me crack a wry smile. Thanks to friends @sarita and @aeklund. They’re my #FollowFriday, My #FF Tricked Out Tweet Exchange of the Week, Thanks @sarita & @aeklund , Please Retweet 🙂 .
Below we’ve posted the exchange in text. For the uninitiated, let me decode:
First, I retweeted @SocialNetDaily’s tweet of @beebow’s popular post:
Classic Post RT @SocialNetDaily: Why Your 4,243,564 #Twitter Followers Don’t Mean Jack http://ow.ly/3ni3K (via @aimclear)
Then my friend Andrew Ecklund jumped in, with insightful perspective on Dave Mathews:
“@aimclear Marty, arguably Dave Matthews doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy who’d tweet. His 822,000 are actual fans. Wow though.”
Next my friend Sara Holoubek caught my eye with an uber-intellectual retweet:
RT @susanmcp1: “Old structures don’t work, but the new structures aren’t quite set up yet. What replaces them?” Andrew Keen #pdfleaks
Which I retweeted:
“So Sweet RT @sarita: “Old structures don’t work, but the new structures aren’t quite set up yet. What replaces them?” Andrew Keen #pdfleaks”
So That’s why I’m recommending my friends today. I hope you enjoy following @sarita and @aeklund. See ya’ next week :).