Hit The Decks! AIMCLEAR® Facebook Marketing Intensive Download

social media training to our clients. The room was packed in post-conference intensive terms. The feedback we got from the audience was amazing, as was the audience itself. Dude, y’all were so cool to be with for a day!

marketing intensive logo

AIMCLEAR was joined by Will Scott, President of Search Influence, a New Orleans SEO and social media firm. Also Lisa Buyer, social PR wiz and President of the Buyer Group graced us with her killer insight and subtle ways. Thanks to Merry, Manny, Lauren, and Matt for taking their turns at the podium, all the preparation and sharing such great information. Also, kudos to the Third Door Media crew, producer of the SMX conference series.

We expect many happy returns of the day, and plan to produce our Facebook training workshop many more times all over the world, starting very soon. If you attended the workshop in San Jose, here’s the link to download the slides. Thanks so much for your radtastic participation and we’ll see you next time!

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