Hong Kong: Facebook English Speaking Users

Welcome back to another Wednesday installment of our Facebook English Speaking Demographic Series. Back in May, we picked through the 60 countries with the largest FB userbase (that also claim English as an official language) in Population Graph: Where Are Facebook English Speaking Users?. After that, we observed the self-identifying trends in the UK, Ireland, Canada, India, the Philippines, South Africa and finally, Singapore. We’re sticking around in the Pacific Ocean this week and drilling into social segments of Facebook English speaking users in Hong Kong.

As of July 7, 2010, approximately 1,198,500 of Hong Kong’s English speaking residents were registered with Facebook. How do those 1 mil+ break down? Who openly likes lingerie? Who hates cigarette breath? Let’s take a peek…

Total English Speaking Users 14 & Up

English Speaking Males & Females 14 & Up

English Speaking Straight & Gay Males

English Speaking Straight & Gay Females

English Speaking Males: Single, In a Relationship, Engaged, or Married

English Speaking Females: Single, In a Relationship, Engaged, or Married

Languages Spoken… Other Than English…
Because English isn’t Hong Kong’s only official language… and because not everyone speaks the official languages, anyway…

A Breakdown Of Age Groups By Gender

Birthday Boys & Girls In Hong Kong

Self-Tagged By Occupation & University

Self-Tagged Interests That Suggest Occupation


College Students, Schools & Years of Graduation
Targeting users by expected year of graduation can give you an idea of just how much young fresh meat will be on prowl for jobs in what areas. Pretty tasty social segment for head hunters and executive recruiters…

College Students & Majors

High School Kids
While you can’t target Facebook users by the name of the actual high school they attend, you can identify the kids who indicate on their profile they are indeed high school students.

Saucy Segments
Don’t act like you weren’t curious.


No Butts About It
Nearly 19,000 English speaking FBers in Hong Kong go out of their way to show how much they dislike cigs & their stench.

Text Etiquette

Battle Of The Boy Toys: Biebs vs. Timbs
I regret to inform all you Gen X boy band fanatics, but teenie bopper Justin Bieber has stolen nearly 3k more young hearts than Justin Timberlake among English speaking Facebookers in Hong Kong.

Soda Pop Shootout: Coca-cola vs. Pepsi

Fast Food Face Off: McDonalds vs. Burger King

Battle Of The Social Networks
Given the nature of this series… burn.

That’s all for this week, folks. Remember – these are but a sample of bite-sized social segments, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of ways target Facebook’s demographics, from the mainstream to the curiously obscure. Stay tuned next week when we tackle yet another country and it’s English speaking Facebook population. Until then, 再见!

photo credit: riNux

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