How do Search Engines Rank site websites?

green handThe following search engine optimization resource has been widely reported on. That said, I bring this SEOMOZ report forward to our readership because NOT everybody reads the same daily trade publications.

37 organic search leaders (ok pioneers) voted on their estimation of what website attributes are attractive to Google’s ranking algorithm. This is a blow-away resource for anyone with imagination and an honest need to understand, debate, and react to the best-in-class thought of the day.

The panel included people who know: Rand Fishkin, Neil Patel, Aaron Wall, Todd Malicoat, Christine Churchill, Barry Schwartz, Chris Boggs, Christine Churchill, and Danny Sullivan. These folks are the whose-who of authority SEM bloggers.

It is with great pleasure that I bring this resource forward (along with some of my favorite writers, to our growing community of professional associates and friends here in Duluth and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Enjoy…

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