#SMX West kicks off in sunny San Jose next Tuesday, and we’re happy to report that much of the AIMCLEAR clan will be bopping around the conference venue, sticking around an extra day to host an intense full-day Facebook Marketing training, to boot. Our team has had the pleasure of attending many an industry event in the past, delivering presentations, press coverage, or just soaking up search marketing brain-chow. This go-round, we’re charting new territory… in the SMX Expo Hall. AIMCLEAR‘s own Merry Morud (aka @MerryMorud, aka yours truly) will spend time at the Acquisio Booth, demonstrating the new Acquisio Facebook Advertising API tool. Read on on for a look at the tool and what Acquisio has to offer.
Planning to attend Search Marketing Expo West? Time’s almost up, so better register today. Use the partner code smxspeaker15 for an additional 15% discount.
Acquiso, At A Glance
Acquisio, the world’s leading Performance Media Platform, represents a streamlined solution for online marketers to buy, manage, track, optimize and report across advertising channels. The tool recently grew to include the much-coveted Facebook Ads platform. (Wheeee!)
As interest and use of the Facebook tool increased, limitations of the Facebook UI became more apparent. Some argue that the UI is built for 101 advertisers, not deep online marketers with robust segments, a bevy of ads and multiple client accounts. Keen to this, Acquisio has built the dream tool for Facebook Advertisers, complete with:
- Comparison Among Other PPC platforms
- Robust & Dynamic Reporting
- Cross-Channel Attribution
- Automation Rules for CTR and CPC management
In the Acquisio booth at SMX West, we’ll demo the Facebook API tool and its features to any and all who mosey our way. For those who can’t make it, or to whet the appetites of Expo hall explorers, let’s indulge in a quick peek at a few favorite features from the targeting interface:
More Interests
Facebook offers up a drop down menu of 10 interests:
Type… enter… type… enter… type… enter… Choosing interests with the Facebook UI tool is laborious, to say the least. Conversely, the Acquisio tool allows marketers to select considerably more interests with its Choose Multiple feature:
The ability to choose multiple saves time while providing more interests to choose from. Double delight!
Copy + Paste Functionality
There is only one thing to be said about this perk: HECK YEAH!
After selecting a bucket of (perhaps) hundreds of “Interests” one can then “Copy to Clipboard” and either “Paste Multiple” immediately in the interest bucket, or save it as a .txt for easy accessibility at a later date. (In other words, you don’t have to save segments by way of a mocked ad if you use the Acquisio tool!)
Bonus: The “clear list” button is also useful when creating segments for clients. Users can bust through segments, clearing the interests in one fell swoop, compared to working in the FB UI, which can get buggy with heavy use.
Save Segments with Acquisio
You can save an entire targeting grid for easy application in later ad campaigns.
Pretty sweet, eh? Come check it out for yourself at the Acquisio booth, and while you’re there, toss a high-5 my way. Not going to SMX West? Don’t worry. Sign yourself up for a free demo of the Acquisio Facebook tool and see what it’s all about.
Finding the AIMCLEAR® Crew at SMX West
If you will be at SMX West, catch our own Marty Weintraub (@AIMCLEAR) speak on YouTube Ads for Fun & Profit in the afternoon on Day 1 and Facebook Ad Tactics for Search Marketers after lunch on Day 2. AIMCLEAR‘s Manny Rivas (@MannyRivas) will also hit the stage on Day 2 to share tips on the New Tools & Techniques for YouTube Success panel. Must-attend sessions for sure.
Tune into to live-tweets from AIMCLEAR‘s Molly Ryan (@MoCR521) and blog coverage of SMX West sessions right here on AIMCLEAR Blog.
Sticking around for the whole week ? Check out our AIMCLEAR® Facebook Marketing Intensive @ SMX West, a fun-filled full-day event on March 11th. From our team, Marty, Manny, Merry, Matt (@matt_peterson), and Lauren (@beebow) will cover the curriculim, along with special guests Will Scott (@w2scott) and Lisa Buyer (@lisabuyer).
This workshop is a ticketed event, so sign up today for best rates. See you there!