Hi, hello and welcome to #SESSF, aka Search Engine Strategies San Francisco! Day 1 started off with a kickass keynote by Kodak’s former “Celebrity CMO,” Jeffrey Hayzlett. Conference attendees who might have seen Jeff rev up crowds at various #140conf (140 Character Conference) events in the past were fully expecting a presentation dripping with animation, insight, and a fresh dose of mild vulgarity. Jeff did not disappoint. This go-round, AIMCLEAR live-tweeted the keynote. Read on for a transcript of the goods– lumped together by categories, themes and takeaways.
Getting Geared Up:
- Start it up, man! RT @JeffreyHayzlett: The room is full– about 1000 for the #SESSF keynote— let’s roll!
- Front row #SESSF with @Matt_Peterson, ready for @JeffreyHayzlett’s opening keynote. @aimclear team, we miss you! http://yfrog.com/9hyc4qj
- Bloggers in Germany apparently call @JeffreyHayzlett the “Chuck Norris” of marketing 😉 #sessf
- Wow. feisty “Winds of Change” video about Kodak thrusting itself into social media rather than ignoring it #SESSF
- We start the morning with a “revival” – @JeffreyHayzlett’s got us givin’ an AMEN for search! #SESSF
- RT @Matt_Peterson: @jeffreyhayzlett ‘s preaching, sorry we sound like a bunch of Lutherans. #SESSF http://twitpic.com/2fn6pp
Jeff On Integrating Social Media into Business Models:
- You have to do the Proof of Life test- you have to decide, “What business are you in?”
- “Passion is not a substitute for planning”
- “Pheasants are not forever” [aka: your passion will only get you so far…]
On Patience & Attention Spans:
- “The new elevator pitch” [they’ve turned into 30 pg ppt presentations – have to slim
down! solution: 118] - 8 seconds is avg attention span of a human being. 110 seconds is avg time of an elevator ride. you have 118 seconds to hook people
- “Big Macs are worth the wait” – you hafta set clear conditions of satisfaction (COS)
On Revving Up Your Customers & Inspiring Engagement:
- As marketers, you should CAUSE TENSION – take people from the center of the table, push them to the edge.
Eliminating Your Company’s Weakest Link:
- You can only move as fast as your lowest common denominator.
- “Be who you are – we love you, but we’ll miss you” [You are the weakest link… goodbye!]
Make Mistakes!
- You can make mistakes, it’s okay. and if you’re gonna make them, make them BIG.
- No one is going to die, no matter what risk you take when it comes to social media.
Allowing Your Brand To Evolve:
- Kodak had a TOTAL SHIFT from traditional to digital, from B2C to B2B
- 1/2 of Kodak’s products are new in the last two years
- Brand Transformation – shifting view, old vs. new… remake products, redesign products so they look COOL.
Back to Basics:
- “Most companies do their best when they get back to their core.”
- “Think about the core of your brand structure.”
Be A Real Person (Er… Brand):
- Inject personality into your brand – April 1st, Kodak announced the eyeCamera! wink & shoot functionality! facial recall! Aroma-tography! Wow-wee! #joke
- Get SOCIAL – live by the 4 Es: Engage, Educate, Excite, Evangelize.
- Social media is a TOOL, not a destination.
- If you educate the community, they will educate you. [consumer feedback from *tweets* !]
Invest in the Art of Listening:
- Kodak hired a CLO – Chief Listening Officer 😉
- CLO acts like an air traffic controller – routes brand-mention tweets to different departments within Kodak
The Reality of Social Media & its Reach:
- Social penetration, new numbers – FB = 500 mil users, Twitter has 40+ mil, 15.5 active blogs, global penetration 500k new people/day.
- Old ROI = return on investment. new ROI = return on ignoring.
- People are tired of dialing 800 numbers for customer service. People want to be heard, they want to participate.
- Kodak held a contest for naming a new product – 28,000 suggestions in a day1!
On Letting the Social Media Team Be Who They Are:
- “Creative people should never have to compromise on what they do or how they deliver their vision.”
Thinking About Your Product Differently…
- Talking to people about “emotional technology” is much different than talking to people about camera.
- RT @Matt_Peterson: @jeffreyhayzlett “We have the only product people would run back into a burning building to save.”
- “People don’t take pictures, they capture memories, moments.”Aw!
That about does it for the #SESSF opening keynote. Saddle up with us tomorrow morning for Wednesday’s AM keynote!